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Halloween Trivia Questions – Monster Trivia

In Stoker’s original novel, the story begins with a young man on his way to Dracula’s castle. Where is the castle?

Answer: Carpathian Mountains. The young man travels by coach to the castle that is high in the mountains. His purpose for the trip is to meet with the Count to close a business deal.

Herald of the ghouls of what culture?

Answer: Arabica. Ghouls are not the same as ghosts. Ghouls are a type of genius. They are considered evil beings with free will.

In Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula, who recognizes that Lucy is turning into a vampire?

Answer: Abraham Van Helsing. Abraham Van Helsing. He is from Amsterdam. Dr. Steward asks Van Helsing to come see Lucy because no one can understand what is causing her poor health.

What mythical monster has only one eye?

Answer: Cyclops. Cyclops is a one-eyed monster from Greek mythology. According to legend, Zeus frees three Cyclops to help him and the other gods defeat the Titans.

In JK Rowling’s Harry Potter novels, what kind of monster lives in the Weasley’s attic?

Answer: In ghoul. The ghoul who lives with the Weasleys is harmless. It only makes the occasional noise.

What monster is often said to kill just by moaning?

Answer: Banshee. Traditionally, banshees weren’t evil. His purpose was to watch over five Irish families and cry or groan when one was about to die.

How does Dracula travel to England, in Bram Stoker’s novel?

Answer: Boat. The ship makes landfall during a storm. When people explore the ship it is discovered that the entire crew has left and only the captain remains, tied to the helm.

According to tradition, what food will repel a vampire?

Answer: Garlic. The tradition of using garlic to repel vampires existed long before Brahms Stoker’s novel. Garlic has traditionally been used to keep evil spirits and creatures away.

Versipellis is an ability that what kind of monster would have?

Answer: Werewolf or vampire. Versipellis is the ability to change shape. It is also said that vampires can change their shape to that of a bat.

If you were traveling through the desert, which of these monsters are you most likely to encounter? A ghoul, banshee, or werewolf?

Answer: Ghoul. Ghouls live in deserts and they like to prey on travelers. They will also rob graves and eat the dead.


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