the source of revolution

Arts Entertainments

Interesting facts about the musical Les Miserables

The Miserables It is the longest running musical in the world, watched by more than 70 million people in 44 countries and in 22 languages. The show is based on the famous 1862 novel by French poet and novelist Victor Hugo. The Miserables. It takes you on a historical journey to 19th century France and portrays a fascinating story of poverty, punishment, mercy, justice, love, unfulfilled dreams, revolution and redemption.

The show has been well received by audiences since its humble beginnings in 1980 in Paris. Claude-Michel Schönberg’s original music and Alain Boublil’s endearing lyrics gave it credibility and made the show attractive to people. The popularity of the show with the audience was such that it touched the hearts of the London audience and has been courting the audience at the Queen’s Theater.

The story is about Jean Valjean, a French peasant, who is serving nineteen years in prison for stealing a loaf of bread for his sister’s starving son and for trying to escape from prison. Valjean is relentlessly pursued by Javert, a ruthless police inspector. An act of mercy from the Bishop of Digne reforms Valjean. He breaks probation, dives off his criminal past, changes his name to Monsieur Madeleine, and becomes a factory owner and wealthy mayor of a small town. He adopts Cosette, Fantine’s illegitimate daughter, being raised by ThĂ©nardiers, an innkeeper, and his wife. Cosette falls in love with Marius amid the turbulent period of the French Revolution. Javert commits suicide as the mercy shown by Valjean breaks him. In the end, Valjean dies and is taken to heaven by Fantine’s spirit.

The musical features delightful songs like ‘I Dreamed a Dream’, ‘Bring Him Home’, ‘One Day More’ and ‘On My Own’ that bring this historical tale to life. The fascinating performance, costumes and scenery combine in harmony to create a fascinating musical. The turntable stage has been used creatively, the set is magical, and the lighting and sound effects are superb. The fantastic orchestra and compelling performance by the cast give the musical a magical makeover, and audiences are waiting for more. The musical is fascinating and receives a standing ovation each time it is performed. If you are a theater lover then you will love it. The Miserables musical for its emotional story, old-world charm, endearing lyrics, and professional performance.


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