the source of revolution

Health Fitness

coding creativity

Can we codify creativity? Within these few words are a number of principles that need to be identified and resolved before we can truly answer the question. The first question is, what is creativity? What are we trying to code?…

Cam Gigandet Workout & Diet – Never Go Back Workout

Cam Gigandet’s training and diet program for the movie “Never Back down” led to an incredibly fit, muscular and lean man. Read this article and discover the “Secrets” of how he got the great body of him. As movies go……

Swimming training for fighters (Part 1)

Swimming for conditioning is little used, little known or misused by most wrestlers and coaches. It’s not that trainers don’t have a plan or a goal, but many trainers take standard gym work to the pool and stand on one…

Abdomen Liposuction – Does It Always Give the Best Results?

Liposuction removes fat in the upper part of the muscle of the abdominal wall. Liposuction does not tighten muscle or remove loose skin. It is important to have the right surgical procedure to get the results you expect. Liposuction involves…

Treadmill Vs Treadclimber Vs Elliptical – Which Is Better For You?

Trying to decide between a treadmill, stair climber, or elliptical trainer? Here are 3 of the most popular exercise machines on the market, each with their own unique benefits. Which is the best for you? Here’s an overview of the…

Gym Equipment Review: The ProForm 500 ZLE Cross Trainer

Introduction: We have found that ellipticals are the most popular and fastest growing category of fitness equipment. An elliptical is one of the best ways to exercise your entire body in 20 to 30 minutes. Walk into the cardio room…

5 ways to fit exercise into your busy schedule

Finding time to exercise when you have a busy schedule can be difficult. When you shift from thinking of exercise as just one more thing cluttering your daily to-do list to thinking of it as an escape from your daily…

How to develop effective muscle memory

Most golfers who play once a week don’t have the time, money, or desire to invest in hitting thousands of practice balls under the watchful eye of a competent instructor. Is there an alternative to help the “average” golfer build…

A list of uric acid diet to reduce uric acid in the body naturally

High levels of uric acid (AU) in the body can lead to gout, which is a particularly painful type of arthritis. Therefore, people who suffer from gout generally need to lower their uric acid and keep it at healthier levels….

Prevent ‘sitting sickness’ with a standing desk

The human body is made to move. Actually, the body is designed to stop and walk long distances. Unfortunately, with our information-based society, we no longer use our bodies while working in agriculture or spending as much time outdoors exercising….