the source of revolution

Health Fitness

Muscle building tricks for cheapskates

For lunch, I eat two cans of tuna mixed with Italian dressing, mayonnaise or tartar sauce, and bacon bits, depending on my mood. Before bed, I have a protein shake made with two scoops of protein powder and half and…

Healthy Food List – The Simplest Diabetic Food List

Do you know the reason why the maximum number of people are interested in the diabetic food list? Personally, I think it’s because the diabetic food list is the healthy food list. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease; It is…

Balanced Training Program

Long time trainer Bob Whelan has always been an advocate of what is known as balanced training and for that we will design a program in this article. This type of training trains the entire body in a balanced manner,…

Three Strange Florida Criminal Law Stories

As a fan and writer on criminal law, this author often reports strange criminal law stories from the state of Florida. These are some of my favorite vintage stories that I would like to share with the wider world. Orange…

7 Ways to Keep Hope Alive During Hard Times

Sometimes we need to take a break from writing a book or whatever we’re doing at the moment. “Life gets in the way. We have a difficult obstacle to overcome. We have lost someone we love. A child needs our…

How to determine what food cravings mean and what nutrients you need to counter food cravings

Control food cravings: What do your food cravings mean? How can food cravings be minimized? Cravings can be very difficult to overcome. Sometimes it seems like you’d do anything to satisfy the urge to eat chocolate or a bag of…

The 4 main benefits of flexibility

Flexibility is easily overlooked in a training environment, yet it has numerous benefits. Good flexibility can literally be the difference between achieving your goals or falling short due to injury or pain. Each of the following areas explains how flexibility,…

Important tips to improve the quality of your sleep

Healthy sleep habits are a must if you’re looking to improve the quality of your sleep. People who find it difficult to fall into a deep sleep every night should follow persistent sleep hygiene. Sleep hygiene is a combination of…

HIIT training workout

High-intensity interval training workouts use the idea of ​​putting in maximal cardiovascular effort for short periods of time. Typically, when people run on a treadmill, ride a stationary bike, or exercise on an elliptical, they choose a time increment, typically…

Mad Scientist Muscle Review – Double Your Muscle Building Results

Nick Nilsson’s “Mad Scientist Muscle” eBook covers how to double your muscle building results. The program is based on 2 Principles. #1 is Planned Overtraining and Rebounding In this section you will learn how overtraining is good for muscle growth….