the source of revolution

Health Fitness

8 secrets to improve physical condition at home

Improving fitness at home is an excellent idea that can be achieved through exercise alone. Regular exercise can extend your life expectancy to some extent and keep you fit and evergreen throughout your life. Getting fit isn’t that hard if…

7 useful tips to help you stop eating meat

If you have made the decision to stop eating meat, congratulations! Eating less meat has many benefits, but consistently putting it into practice can be challenging. Here are 7 valuable tips to help you see better results and be well…

Smooth Momentum UB5 Upright Exercise Bike Review

The Smooth Momentum UB5 Upright Exercise Bike is built to meet the demands of home gym users, yet will provide years of solid performance in your home. The Smooth Momentum UB5’s self-generating drive system requires no power cord, but can…

ADD-ADHD Treatment: 7 Tips for Finding the Elusive Peak of the Therapeutic Window

Psychiatric medications are like any other medication: they must always be adjusted correctly to correctly. The size and weight of the patient no longer matter. Today, medication adjustments have to do with this little-known mental biomarker: the therapeutic window. We…

High Fiber Foods For Natural Weight Loss As Seen On Oprah

Recently on her show, Oprah Winfrey talked to Dr. Oz about high-fiber foods for healthy eating and natural weight loss. One of the most fascinating elements of the show featured the doctor describing an experiment in which a group of…

healthy breakfasts to lose weight

A common misconception when it comes to losing weight is that simply eating less food will lead to weight loss, oddly enough, it’s not simply a matter of eating less food. Far from it, a strict diet, a sudden burst…

Benefits of wearing pedometer watches during your physical activities

Using a pedometer watch to track your physical activities could improve your performance during exercises. Tracking your exercises could help you reap many fitness-related rewards. A pedometer watch could help you achieve the following results; weight loss, improving consistency and…

How do I gain weight?

While not as common a goal as losing weight, there are a significant number of people who have weight gain as their goal. The reasons are as varied as people, but can include a desire to gain weight for a…

Using the bike to lose weight

The bicycle is one of the best tools to use to burn calories and lose weight. A 145 lb female riding 1 hour at about 12 MPH will burn about 500 calories, increase speed to 16 MPH and calorie burn…

How to lose killer fat around your belly

When you are diagnosed with diabetes, the first piece of advice you receive from your doctor is: lose weight. The fact is… most diabetics have too much belly fat. You have two types of fat around your waist… subcutaneous fat…