the source of revolution

Legal Law

12 signs you may be dating a homeless man!

Don’t assume for a second that the definition of the word homeless is exclusive to someone begging for food or change, or people who are dirty and homeless. Wanderers come in all shapes. Many of them are very well dressed,…

Tips for Creating a Great Groomsman Speech

1. – Your best man speech must have a logical order. Be sure to have your speech plan written in sections under the following headings; beginning; Medium; Final. 2. Under each of these sections, write down a few ideas that…

US Student Loans and the Gods of Education Debt

Student loan delinquencies are rising in the United States (and so are debt rates) and we should ask ourselves: are we really surprised by all this? Everyone knows what a student (or college) loan is: it’s very simple, it’s just…

Accounting and Planning for a Tax Audit

A tax audit is rarely a pleasant experience for anyone in business. Whether in part or in full, the experience can be less of an issue if the audit involves only certain records, or a major accounting dilemma in a…

Family Recipe Scrapbook Tips

It’s family reunion time again here in the United States and Canada. I can already taste my mom’s peach cobbler. I can’t tell you how many times I called my mom and said, “Mom, I just need your recipe for…

Socrates and the “examined life”

Socrates was a man of very strong convictions. A conviction to live his life in search of knowledge, true wisdom, mercy and the will of God. In Plato’s Apology, Socrates made a passionate defense of his chosen way of life….

The four main advantages of hiring one of the best credit repair companies

Wondering what is the best possible way to improve your credit score? Then, without a doubt, it will be wise for you to hire a credit repair company because the professionals of this company are very experienced in improving the…

What is the cost of hiring a personal injury lawyer?

Being injured as a result of the negligence of another person or entity is a terrible situation for anyone. This is why personal injury law firms work fervently to recover compensation for their injured clients. After being injured at the…

Life insurance considerations for asthmatics

People with asthma also need life insurance. How and why people with respiratory health problems should get simple term life insurance policies. About the underlying condition and why it may cost you more to buy simple term life insurance. The…

Child support does not automatically end in Rhode Island when a child turns 18!

How do I cancel my child support obligation and stop wage garnishment in Rhode Island? In Rhode Island (RI), child support does not automatically end when the child turns 18! Termination of a support order is not automatic in Rhode…