the source of revolution

Lifestyle Fashion

Our misunderstanding of fat

Range of movement and a consistent exercise program are an important part of health and fitness, but they are not enough. To really get in shape and achieve optimal health, nutrition must also become a focus. I would like to…

The basic ingredients to make soap

Soap making is a delicate process, but the ingredients used to make soap are quite simple: oils, lye, water, fragrances, dyes, and other optional additives. The fats and oils used in soap can be derived from animal or vegetable fats….

Juniper Tree and dark circles under the eyes

Juniper is an evergreen conifer, varying in shape and size from low-spreading or columnar shrubs, with long trailing branches, to tall trees (20-40 m tall). The most commonly used part of the juniper is the berry-shaped cones and they take…

Yeast Diet: The Foods You Should Include To Get Rid Of Yeast Infections

What do you mean by “thrush diet”? Can I heal myself by eating the right food? Yeast infection or Candida Albicans occurs very frequently in women, although men and even children can also be affected. The root cause of the…

7 Healthy Food Substitutes

It’s a new year and many are eager to start their diet on the right foot, maybe lose a few pounds, eat better, and make smarter food choices overall. Here’s a list of great healthy food substitutes for your regular…

Pineapple and gout: how to relieve gout with pineapple

How can you use a tropical fruit to cure your bread taste? Many people are skeptical when they hear that using pineapple can cure gout or at least alleviate its symptoms. The trick to getting results when eating this fruit…

New York Restaurants: The Perfect Place for Foodies with New Tastes

New York is a tempting proposition with its bright neon, gourmet nightlife, open bars and restaurants. New York is the liveliest city in the US that never sleeps. This city offers some of the best restaurants in the world. New…

Hello from Nova Scotia – Exploring Annapolis Royal

Still thinking about what I learned about the fate of the Acadians after my visit to the Grand PrĂ© National Historic Site, I got in the car and began driving west through the fertile Annapolis Valley, an area known as…

How much sugar and caffeine are in some soft drinks and energy drinks?

This is one of the areas that may go unnoticed by many who are feeling thirsty and just need a drink. The question is why do they ignore the amount of sugar in each container of soda? It is mainly…

Efficacy of crystal healing to balance the mind and body

It has been repeated over and over again that crystal healing is not an alternative to traditional medication, especially in a sudden and unforeseen crisis. However, it can certainly help you get comfortable inside the ambulance on the way to…