the source of revolution

Lifestyle Fashion

Treatment of myasthenia gravis with orthomolecular medicine

The treatment and cure of myasthenia gravis with ordinary amino acids is the basis of Orthomolecular Medicine. Large doses of natural proteins called amino acids can repair the imbalance in the brain and repair its malfunction. These amino acids are…

Best hair dye and color ideas

‘Color’ your hair naturally, without chemicals, without lead and without artificial dyes. Commercially available hair coloring uses chemicals that remove, replace, or strengthen the natural pigments within the hair shaft. Hair color can be a reflection of light from the…

The 8 most basic flower arrangements

When you see flower arrangements on restaurant tables, at special events, and even in the offices and homes you visit, you may think they are arranged that way because the florist thought it would look good that way. You may…

The dangers of not treating a yeast infection

Is there a danger in not treating a yeast infection? It’s a curious question: it assumes that you know you have one. For the purposes of this article, I will deal only with vaginal yeast infections. So how do you…

Healthy 12 week meal with a healthy idea for leftovers

Healthy meal of the week: Orange chicken, brown rice and broccoli Leftover idea: Orange chicken bowl I got fired up with Panda Express a couple of years ago and started to occasionally sample Asian cuisine from time to time. I…

Hidden Gems in Southern California

Many tourists flock to well-known Southern California destinations such as San Diego, Disneyland, Los Angeles, and Santa Barbara. These are all great places to visit, but if you’re looking for a different place that’s a little off the radar, check…

Wedding on a budget? You can still have the dress of your dreams

Everyone is aware that there is a recession. And for those lucky couples who have committed to getting married, the challenges can be even greater. Let’s face it, weddings will never go out of style. During times of financial or…

How to choose a great piece of fruit

Choose vine-ripened and seasonal fruit for the most nutrition. No flavor, right? I think when we eat these green foods, especially when they are on the avoid list for our blood type, they can do more harm than good. The…

The best places to eat vegans in New York

Delight and buckwheat 20 Christopher St (in West Village, Manhattan), New York, New York French cuisine This innovative restaurant focuses on French dishes. The idea came after the owner visited France and found out how difficult it was to find…

The best areas of Manhattan

What’s not to love about New York City? My favorite neighborhood is Manhattan, although each one has its advantages. There are so many things to do in Manhattan, and I could spend a lifetime keeping busy. Each neighborhood has its…