the source of revolution


Pitbull Digging Problems

Dogs love to dig holes, and that’s fine, as long as it’s in a park and not in their own backyard. Nobody wants an ugly patio that has been completely excavated. If you have a garden like I do, it…

Is AKC Dog Breeding For You? Things you need to know

With the economy in a major recession around the globe, people are looking for ways to earn some extra money from home. And while purebred dogs are still shown in shows around the world, there has been one more deciding…

Retriever: 7 compelling reasons to have a Labrador

The Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular dogs in the world. This popularity is due to some unique characteristics present in this breed. Labrador Retrievers are famous for their intelligence, kindness, and friendly demeanor. Although there are several…

The most absurd laws of different countries

The Times newspaper has published the 25 strangest and funniest laws from different countries. Inspired by the example of the British edition, here’s another more comprehensive hit parade of the eccentric and downright funny regulations of world legislative practice. The…

Arthritis Pain: Dysplasia and Bee Venom Therapy in Animals

Labs are loving, people-oriented dogs. They are happiest when they are with their owners. Labs tend to be quite patient with children, making them wonderful family dogs. They require attention and love as much as food and water. Labradors require…

Different breeds of black cats

Superstition aside, you’ve decided you want a black cat. Here is information and a list of the various breeds of black cats for you to choose from. Decide what personality traits and attributes you want in your cat. Bombay cat…

Shiba Inu Rescue: A Great Way To Adopt

The Shiba Inu Rescue is a worldwide effort to ensure that everyone born to this breed has a happy, safe, and loving home in which to grow up. There are many organizations that focus on canines as a whole, but…

Cosmetic history: milestones of the last century

The discovery of the art of photography and film, in particular, fueled a sudden growth in cosmetics. When viewers saw images of famous people with perfect complexions and strong sex appeal, the standards of a woman’s beauty began to change….

A pregnant stray cat adopted you, now what?

It happens too often. A stray cat adopts a family friend or cat. And after a few weeks it turns out that she is pregnant. In the US alone, there must be millions of sweet but homeless cats. And many…

How to cheer up a depressed bird

Some of you will find the prospect of trying to cheer up a depressed bird amusing. Go ahead and laugh. Like babies, birds of any particular breed look very much alike. The same style of feathers, the same expression, the…