the source of revolution

Month: April 2022

Sun Tzu’s art of war

Written during the 6th century BC. C., The Art of War is a definitive Chinese military strategy treatise that has proven relevant centuries later, not only to modern warfare, but also to politics, business, and managerial and even relationship strategies….

effects of low testosterone

Many men all over the world suffer from this silent problem and have no idea what is happening to them. In the United States there are more than 15 million men with low testosterone levels who do not receive treatment….

Emery Express and consolidated cargo; an end of an era

What many may not realize is that Emery Express was also a CF company. You see, John C. Emery, Sr. founded Emery Air Freight in 1946, when his company became the first air carrier to apply for a common carrier…

Being represented when buying a home is important

Buying a home is a huge investment and one of the most important things you can do in life. Because of this, you will want someone who has your best interests at heart without any potential conflicts of interest. This…

PlayStation Vita – The next portable generation

Sony Vita is Sony Corporation’s answer to a revolutionary new game console. The Next Generation Platform or Portable (NGP) or Sony PlayStation Vita (PSV), which in Latin means life, is now the new trend in portable gaming. This new device…

How to Groom a Longhaired Jack Russell Terrier

The Jack Russell Terrier breed has a thick, double coat that requires regular grooming. Also known as the Parson Russell Terrier, the dogs can have rough, smooth, or broken coats. The rough-coated or long-haired Jack Russell terrier has longer tresses…

bahamian beaches

If you are looking for the best family beach vacation, the beaches of the Bahamas are some of the best in the world. This group of islands may be best known for the resort islands of Grand Bahamas and Nassau/Paradise…

Solar Power Systems – Important Design Considerations

Now is a great time to invest in a solar power (PV) system. The cost of solar panels, the component you see on rooftops and the most expensive individual component, has come down since 2008. Tax and utility incentives bring…

Three reasons why money was the worst invention of all time

Who invented money? Ask any number of people and they won’t be able to tell you who actually invented money or where the idea came from. History has given us some bad ideas, but money has to be the worst…

Cleaning Plan – Step 6 – Easy, green and DIY ways to organize and update your bathroom

If your bathroom is cluttered with cosmetics, half-full bottles, and grooming tools from various family members, it’s time to clean, clean, and turn it into a fresh, green, and rejuvenating space! First, clear the room and edit all your belongings….