the source of revolution

Month: March 2023

Communication and relationships: 4 reasons why you will break up if you do not communicate

Communication happens all the time, even when you’re not talking. Did you know that only 7% of communication is transmitted through words? What happened to the other 93%? 38% comes from our tonality, the voice, tempo and timbre of our…

Health Fitness

Suplimente de echinaceea pentru imunitate

Suplimente de echinaceea pentru Echinacea este unul dintre cele mai populare suplimente pe bază de plante folosite pentru a ajuta la combaterea răcelii comune și a gripei. Se crede că stimulează sistemul imunitar și previne infecțiile. Este folosit de peste…

Lenovo Ideapad (G550 2958-9PU) 15.6-inch Laptop Review

Recently, Lenovo has been stepping up its game by launching a series of irresistible laptop models, be it in terms of price, designs, or features. One of their latest models that caught my eye was the mid-range Lenovo Ideapad G550…

The Best Things to Do When Visiting Costa Rica

So you’re traveling to Central America…whether for business or pleasure, Costa Rica is filled with rich history and natural beauty. This country is named after its “rich coasts”, so why not explore all that Costa Rica has to offer? If…

Free Gift Card – How To Get Free Gift Cards Online

Did you know that it is possible to receive free gift cards online, in amounts from $500 to $1000? I’m not talking about silly giveaways or contests. There are secret and little-known ways to receive legitimate gift cards from major…

New HUD Lawsuit Covers Family Ground

In late May, the world of real estate was rocked when HUD filed a lawsuit in the US District Court for the Central District of California against several major real estate firms and a hazard disclosure reporting company. alleging RESPA…

What is your design style?

Seems like a simple question, right? Well, for those of you who have asked yourself this question, you probably know that the answers are not necessarily quick and easy to find. In fact, the ‘simple question’ is very complicated. As…

Leptovox Review: Will the Top 10 Food Supplements Help You Lose Weight?

When I review a product like Leptovox, I skip the claims, testimonials, and guarantees and go straight to the ingredients. The fact is that every diet pill has claims, testimonials, and guarantees. Does that mean that all diet pills are…

Delicious Salads to Accompany Your Grilled Steak

Salads are the perfect appetizer or side dish for grilled meat. It not only adds colors to the menu, but also adds nutrition to your food. Not only that, they are also quick and easy to prepare while the meat…

Does whey protein powder make you burnish? Using whey protein to gain muscle mass

Your muscles grow from the stimulation of training and a diet that provides the building blocks to grow that new muscle tissue. The main component of a muscle-building diet should be protein; this is the only food your body can…