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3 Components You Should Upgrade To Boost PC Performance

Do you remember the first time you turned on your PC? The emotion… It was fluid, fast and efficient. Now years have passed and you can see that it is gradually slowing down to a stop. Don’t worry, because you can upgrade your PC to increase its performance.

The first component you should upgrade is the CPU. The Central Processing Unit is the brain of the computer. It is inside the CPU that all the complex calculations and executions are done. The faster your CPU, the faster your computer will be. Intel CPUs are the best and for desktops and laptops, Intel Core 2 Duo is the latest and greatest CPU (except if you’re a gamer where you need a Quad Core). You need to find out if your PC motherboard will allow you to upgrade to Core 2 Duo CPU.

The second component you should upgrade to increase your computer’s performance is its memory (RAM).). Random access memory holds all applications while your computer is running. The higher your RAM, the more space you have to store many applications at once. If you open multiple applications while running low on RAM capacity, you will experience a slow computer. Upgrade your RAM capacity so you can run large and multiple programs.

The third component that you should update to increase the speed of your PC is the hard drive. The hard drive comes in various speeds (measured in RTM – rotation per minute). The higher the RTM, the better you can collect files from your platter and the faster it will respond to CPU requests. What most people don’t realize is that the hard drive is the bottleneck between the CPU and RAM.


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