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Digital Marketing

5 Sell Sheet Design Secrets for Self Publishers


Just as you would make your book cover as attractive as possible, your sell sheet should leave readers with a favorable first impression of you and your new book. But very few readers will do more than skim the sell sheet to find just the information they’re looking for. Therefore, you must make sure that you have created an attractive and well-designed page so that those first seconds connect and fix the reader. Even if you can’t afford to hire a professional designer for your marketing materials, following these key design principles will pay off with increased book sales.

1. Use columns and text boxes

Divide your page into two or three columns because short snippets of text are much easier to read and more visually appealing than long lines. Text boxes are a great way to highlight or separate specific information about your book.

2. Use a lot of white space

Text and graphics stand out much better when they have white space or breathing room around them. As a general rule, make sure you have at least a half-inch margin on all four sides of the sheet and leave a quarter-inch space between columns and other graphics. And remember that it is better to remove some text than to cram too much into the page.

3. Use color sparingly

More color is not necessarily better. Color can be used to grab the reader’s attention, but it can easily become too chaotic and overwhelming. You must remember that the use of white space can be much more effective because it draws attention to what you want to highlight and gives the reader’s eye a break. When it comes to text, you should also keep most of your text the same color. While you may want some key words or phrases to jump off the page by using fancy colors or fonts, if you try to make everything stand out, nothing will.

4. Use appropriate fonts

Use a maximum of two fonts. Use a serif font (such as Times New Roman) for the text. Use sans serif (such as Arial) for titles and subtitles. Serif fonts are easier to read and look cleaner and more modern. Avoid using fonts that are too difficult to see. Use sans serif, for example, if you are going to use very small text. But don’t be afraid to experiment with different fonts.

5. Use high-quality graphics and photos

Invest in good photography and artwork. Even if a photo looks good online, it doesn’t mean it will look good in print. Use high-resolution photos of at least 300 dpi. Anything lower than this resolution will not look good in print. If you can’t take your own photos or use professional photos, buy stock photos online. It’s inexpensive and a much better alternative to using clip art. Clip art may be inexpensive, but it will make your sell sheet look low-budget.


By sticking to these basic design principles, you’ll create a sophisticated and effective one-page sales sheet that you can proudly distribute to potential clients, book reviewers, and book distributors, and no one will ever know that you didn’t hire a professional designer to do it. create it.


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