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Digital Marketing

5 types of headlines that generate traffic and attract readers

Very few people read all the content, most only read the headlines. In fact, eight out of ten people only read the headlines. It’s because headlines set a tone and establish the main topic of the article. Plus, great headlines can only drive more traffic to an article. Therefore, one should focus on writing great headlines to improve the writing.

The headline doesn’t just affect click-through rates, it tells readers what type of article they’re about to read; therefore, if the title is misleading, people will lose interest in it.

So what makes a great headline?

    It purely depends on who you are writing to and where you are reading it. Great content should accomplish two things:

  • It must attract the target audience.
  • You must provide them with value.
  • In addition to writing creative headlines, don’t forget that the headline should also be SEO-friendly. While writing cute headlines, one must not forget to make it effective and solve problems as well. Headlines must be compelling enough to attract an audience and be of great value to readers to improve their lives.

Here are some great headline examples that would help increase traffic to a blog or article.

1. The “best” headlines
These headlines are often exact match searches and are more powerful for SEO. For example, if one wants to search for ways to improve home decor, wouldn’t they be intrigued by the best ways?

These headlines begin with the words “The best ways to…”


  • The best way to save more money when renovating the home
  • The best way to make your site more SEO friendly

2. The “If I Were You” headlines
Each of us wants to be more successful and wants to improve. We all love to accomplish more in less time. It’s that sentiment that makes “If I Were You” headlines so powerful.

We all love to know why we should do something in particular and what benefit we would get from it.


  • Why should you buy a fitness tracker?
  • Why is online electronics shopping such a crowd pleaser these days?
  • Why do most people choose to buy furniture online?

3. “Let me list them for you” headlines
Most people generally like list posts. These types of articles attract people for some reason and inspire a lot of clicks compared to other articles.


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4. “Don’t be stupid” headlines
Who wants to look like a fool? Nobody, right? Headlines that highlight mistakes to avoid are extremely compelling. Because we all want to make sure we don’t make such mistakes.


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5. “Don’t be ignorant” headlines
We all want to be the first to find out about everything that is happening. We want to be in the loop every time. So if there’s something you want people to know, then definitely write it down.


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There are so many different types of headlines, some may be better for SEO purposes and some may be better for attracting people. It depends on what the writer is trying to accomplish. For example, an SEO services company would want to focus more on SEO, while a creative writer who writes for fun would want to attract creative people who would be interested in reading creative articles. So, it all depends. However, while he writes, each writer must focus on what he wants to achieve and convey to the target audiences.


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