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Milk of magnesia for acne

Acne is a skin disorder that can affect anyone of any age. It mostly strikes in the teens, but many people have acne in their 20s and 30s. There are many reasons behind acne like hormonal changes, menopause, reaction to any medicine or cosmetic, etc. Some people get rid of their acne after a while without the help of medication, but many people’s acne is so stubborn that they cannot get rid of their acne in any way in their entire life. There are many treatments available to treat acne, but they are not effective for everyone. There are a few more treatments available that are not designed for acne but work for acne sufferers, milk of magnesia being one of them.

What is milk of magnesia?
Milk of magnesia is a hydrating laxative that is used to control the activity of the stomach that causes constipation. Contains natural mineral magnesium. Its chemical formula is Mg (OH) 2. Due to its milky white color, that is why it is known as milk of magnesia. It is available as a liquid solution to take by mouth or also in tablet form.

Milk of magnesia for acne:
Now the most interesting thing about this product is that it also cures acne if you use it as a topical treatment. As acne is usually an oily skin problem, all those who have oily skin can also use this product to control the oil on their skin. The product is very effective for all types of acne such as blackheads and cysts.

How it helps acne:
Milk of magnesia is magnesium hydroxide which is alkaline in nature. Due to its alkaline nature, it neutralizes excess acid in the skin that causes acne. For oily skin it absorbs excess oil. It also has disinfecting properties that keep blemishes away. If you don’t have oily skin or acne, avoid using milk of magnesium, as it will be very harsh on your skin.

How to use it:
Shake the bottle well; With the help of a cotton ball, apply the solution on your skin. If your skin is not too oily and you do not have severe acne, you can apply it to the T zone only. Let it dry and then wash it off. The uses depend on the condition of your skin, for example, if you have sensitive skin, you can try it twice a week, and if you have oily skin, use it every other day. If you notice an improvement in your skin and your skin is getting used to it, you can increase the number of applications, such as daily to twice a day.

Side effects:
No side effects have been reported. People with sensitive skin may experience some dryness and tightness if they use it more than necessary, which is why it is strictly recommended that they start using it twice a week and then gradually increase.

Milk of magnesia is a good alternative to other aggressive treatments. Many people have gotten rid of their acne using milk of magnesia. It is very affective and very economically priced, so it is worth a try.


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