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A guide on how to prevent hair loss

The very thought of going bald or losing hair tends to cause anxiety in both men and women. Hair loss, also known as alopecia refers to the condition of hair loss from one part of the body, usually the head. This is a guide on how to prevent hair loss and reduce the chances of it happening.

What exactly causes hair loss?

Before trying to prevent alopecia, it is necessary to know what the cause of the condition is.

The main reason why alopecia occurs is not fully understood and it can have many causes and some of them include:

Infection – Alopecia can be due to infections such as Folliculitis, tinea captis (a fungal infection), secondary syphilis, and a microscopic mite known as demodex folliculorum which feeds on essential nutrients for the hair and thus causes thinning.

drugs – Medical researchers have linked temporary or permanent hair loss to various medications. Medications for heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure have been linked to hair loss. Also, drugs that affect the body’s hormonal balance tend to cause pronounced alopecia. Medications that affect the body’s hormonal balance include steroids, hormone replacement therapy, and acne medications.

The pregnancy – During pregnancy, there is an increase in circulating estrogens. This increase in estrogen causes the hair to thicken. After childbirth, the circulating estrogens return to their normal levels and this causes the corresponding hair loss. Hair normally regrows normally and treatment is not indicated.

Genetics – Male pattern alopecia has been linked to genetics.

Trauma – Any type of trauma can cause alopecia.

Traumatic events such as labor, major surgery, poisoning, and severe stress can cause hair loss. This condition is known as telogen effluvium. Another form of trauma is compulsively pulling and twisting the hairs, resulting in a type of hair loss known as trichotillomania.

Radiation therapy is applied to the head to treat some forms of cancer. This radiation can cause baldness and permanent hair loss.

Aging – As the body loses its natural replenishing ability with age, it is not uncommon to see alopecia or thinning as one ages.

How is hair loss prevented?

Alopecia can be prevented in several ways. As stated above, it is important to study the aforementioned causes of alopecia and use them as a guide to prevent alopecia.

Regarding infections that can cause alopecia, it is important to visit your doctor as soon as the signs and symptoms of such infections appear. Treating infections as soon as possible will reduce the chance of going bald due to infections.

It is also important to take into account the drugs used for the treatment of diabetes, hypertension and others. Stick with the drugs that have been approved by the FDA.

Although it is impossible to reverse natural baldness, you can protect your hair from trauma that can eventually lead to hair loss. Avoid styles that tend to stress the hairline and therefore lead to alopecia.

In addition, to prevent alopecia, it is important to take into account the shampoos, relaxers, bleaches and other hair products that are used. Use hair products that are meant to restore hair growth.

Not only that, vitamin deficiency can lead to alopecia, so eating a well-balanced diet is essential.


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