the source of revolution


agricultural health insurance

Farm health insurance is definitely a priority for anyone who makes a living farming or working the land in some way. Working and living on a farm may sound like the ultimate in healthy existence. However, you will find only two occupations that are much more dangerous; working in deep underground mines and driving trucks.

In Australia, an average of 85 farm injury deaths have been observed to occur each year. When it comes to injuries, you’ll find that between 20 and 60 percent of all reported cases each year result in treatment and/or hospital stays. However, that does not cover the total number of injuries that actually occur annually. Back ailments, fractures and cuts, which are not reported by patients to insurance providers, hospitals or workers’ compensation, are not included in this number.

The impact of agricultural injuries goes far beyond what you could understand. Not only will the injured person be unable to function and likely to be very uncomfortable; there is also a great price to farm economically. Farmers end up paying the cost of injuries in many ways. This is particularly true if agricultural health insurance is not available to workers.

There may be delays in performing any necessary agricultural functions if a farmer or skilled worker will be the one to be injured. There is a requirement to pay for medical treatment and feasible rehabilitation such as physiotherapy, for example. The price of hiring replacement workers and consideration of their salary requirements.

Any reported incident may result in a major accident or individual disability for members of the farm business. In cases where injury incidents have been reported, they can also result in higher workers’ compensation premium rates.

Farmers make sure they have protection against any potential farming injuries, not only for themselves and their families, but also for any employees. This consists of an excellent safety and wellness management program and training for all involved. Information relevant to this can be obtained from occupational health and safety regulatory bodies within your state. It is also of the utmost importance to ensure that you have a suitable agricultural health insurance strategy in place as well.

You will find numerous insurance companies in Australia that can meet your precise needs. All it takes is some time to make sure all your requirements are included in whatever policy you select. With farming becoming such a labor-intensive occupation, most insurance brokers will happily come to your farm directly to offer help along with your farm health insurance strategy.


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