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Health Fitness

Are online postnatal Pilates classes available?

online postnatal Pilates classes

Postpartum Pilates is one of the best exercises new moms can do, promoting better posture and body awareness. It also helps prevent issues like lower-back pain and shoulder tightness. Plus, the deliberate deep breathing in Pilates oxygenates muscles and brain, which translates to more energy and patience — both of which are needed when you’re caring for a new baby!

Whether you’re looking for postnatal Pilates East Sheen or a postnatal workout, you’ll find lots of options on YouTube. Many of the online workouts are short and sweet, perfect for fitting into your day while you’re adjusting to your new role as a mother. And, for those who need a little extra guidance from a fitness pro, there are online postnatal personal training classes available.

Many women experience pelvic floor and abdominal separation (diastasis recti) during pregnancy or labor and delivery, which can lead to shooting pain during sex, back or hip problems, or urinary incontinence. If you’ve had diastasis recti, it’s important to avoid forward flexion exercises that can exacerbate the separation, so many online workouts focus on strengthening core and pelvic floor muscles and reestablishing the connection between your abs and your back.

Are online postnatal Pilates classes available?

Other classes on YouTube focus on the musculoskeletal recovery process from a C-section, or the emotional and mental adjustments to life as a new parent. For instance, a popular video by Amy Kiser Schemper, aka BodyFit by Amy, offers simple and effective workouts that build strength and stability without stressing the body. She also focuses on proper alignment, which can be especially helpful for new mothers dealing with the challenges of recovering from a C-section.

There are also plenty of studio-feel online postnatal Pilates workouts available. For example, the UK-based barre fitness company Barrecore offers prenatal and postnatal exercise classes that combine barre moves with core work, pelvic floor and abdominal strength training, and even a pump and kegel session. The class sequences are easy to follow along with, and the only equipment you’ll need is a mat and a resistance band or fitball.

If you’re looking for an online postnatal personal training program, you can sign up for a membership with FitNest Mama. Designed with pregnant and new moms in mind, the online workouts help navigate the physical and emotional realities of postnatal recovery by providing information, support and community. Plus, the workouts include physiotherapist-created routines to rebuild strength and confidence in your body again.


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