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Bavarian Pope trusts Germany to run Europe, others distrust Grand Inquisitor

German President Horst Koehler blasphemed, “Holy Father, welcome home, welcome home to Germany” and Bavarian Minister-President Edmund Stoiber of the Christian Social Union Party delivered “Bavarian Christian roots are strong and full of energy”, music to the ears of the Bavarian Pope Benedict XVI. willing to inspire Germany so that Europe will follow her example in a macabre dance.

The “holy Roman” arrived in Munich to galvanize underground forces ready to go into action to revive the empire of the Germanic Nation, all supposedly at the service of Europe -a damsel in distress- and in pagan devotion to “Maria” (in whose square they summoned, before the Column of Santa Maria, a strange confluence of Bavarian, German and Roman ambitions ). According to the views of such “warriors”, the two-headed dragon of Islam and secularism must be slain for “Western Christian Civilization” to survive and Germany is again being called upon to wield the necessary sword as “The Defender of the [Catholic] Faith.”

Germany might find it providential that they are in the heart of Europe and have seen more of their sons rise to the status of emperor than all the others put together. Stoiber thanked the pope for addressing the problems facing the modern world, “by warning when Christian values ​​and human dignity threaten to be overtaken by the spirit of the times.” Stoiber clearly struck a chord with the audience and received the most thunderous applause when he said: “It touches us deep in our souls when the head of the Roman Catholic Church says: ‘My Bavarian heart beats.'”

Will Europe soon feel that two hearts (Church and State) beat as one? Isn’t the Bavarian Pope’s visit to Germany a media blitz to move Europe to find meaning and shelter under the cross to ward off the evil of Islam and wake them up to the dead end of secularism? Will Germany challenge the continent to remember its roots, going on the offensive against those liberals who have made it arguable, as far as possible, to profess Christian influence as laid out in the present preamble to the EU Constitution? Hasn’t the Pope called for this new crusade, started in Bavaria, to gain momentum throughout Germany and spread throughout Europe?

“At decisive moments throughout its history, the Bavarian people have always confirmed their sincere devotion to the See of Peter and their firm attachment to the Catholic faith.”

The Pope summoned and invoked that “all my compatriots from Bavaria and throughout Germany will play an active role in transmitting the fundamental values ​​of the Christian faith to the citizens of tomorrow.”

The Bavarian Pope acknowledged: “Relations between Bavaria and the Holy See, despite some moments of tension, have always been marked by warm and cordial respect.” A reference to those who opposed granting then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, an honorary citizenship of Munich to commemorate his years there as archbishop, declaring “We don’t need a Grand Inquisitor”, referring to his nickname as the strict executor of the church’s doctrine.

Now that Germany and Europe are at a historic crossroads, a defining moment, will these protests be a thing of the past, too unpopular, even dangerous, as Germany prepares to take the EU bull by the horns and the crowds lash out ?


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