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Beer, alcohol and hangovers

It has probably happened to you too, after a long night with one too many drinks, to feel like the world revolves around you in the morning, to feel your head heavy and your stomach upset. That was the moment you cursed your life and promised yourself that you would stop drinking. for good! However, it happened again, because you forgot how horrible that feeling was, or because you were having too much fun to count your drinks, or. just because.

So, you know that drinking alcohol causes hangovers, but what exactly even doctors can’t tell you. They even have trouble recommending or not drinking alcohol. Some simply forbid it, while others, knowing the proven benefits of many alcoholic beverages, recommend moderate alcohol consumption to their patients. Yes: moderation is the key and the second answer to the question “how to avoid a hangover” being the first: don’t drink.

Wine, whiskey, and bourbon can cause a stronger hangover than beer and vodka. Some chemicals in dark grapes found in red wines or the yeast in unfiltered beer can cause severe headaches in many people.

Although no one really knows what causes an alcohol hangover, one proven reason for hangover-associated headaches is dehydration. Alcohol, being a diuretic, makes you urinate. And if you are a beer drinker, I don’t need to tell you which drink has the strongest diuretic effect. So when you get that terrible headache early in the morning, stop drinking coffee. Coffee is also a diuretic and will only continue the dehydration process. Drinking water. That’s what you really need. Or start the day with a strong chamomile tea that will act as a balm for your stomach and whet your appetite for food. Because, even if you feel that your stomach is not enough for food, you must eat. Your body needs carbohydrates, potassium, and vitamin C after a hangover. Eat a lot of bread or bananas.

Second, you need to do something with the alcohol left in your body. A hangover makes you feel the need to stay in bed. But the secret to a quick recovery is movement. Sweating is the fastest way to get rid of excess alcohol. Exercise and sex are as effective as a biosauna, even more so, because few people can stand the heat and hangovers.

Now you know what you can do after having a hangover. But can you prevent it? If you can! So, let’s start with the most important advice: do not drink on an empty stomach. Food will help your body digest alcohol faster. As the alcohol attacks your stomach, you might consider eating something fatty like cheese, or taking a sip of olive oil that will work as a balm or a thin film that protects your stomach lining.

Beer digests quickly, so if you plan to mix drinks, drink beer first. Beer will help your body absorb other drinks faster. No matter what alcoholic beverage you drink, remember that alcohol is a diuretic and always drink a glass of water between each glass of alcohol.


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