the source of revolution

Digital Marketing

How to Make Your Special Event Ridiculously Entertaining With Giant Foil Balloons

One word that makes everyone shout in the affirmative is Fiesta. The small and the great, the young and the old, the healthy and the frail; everyone in one way or another wants to treasure a party. The party can…

Digital Marketing

What are 5 careers in cybersecurity?

careers in cybersecurity Cybersecurity is the process of protecting digital information and networks from unauthorized access or attacks. It requires a wide range of skills and a broad knowledge of technology. This career path is growing in demand, and it…

The managerial incompetence of SMEs and the pitfalls to be avoided

Have you ever wondered why most businesses fail? In the UK, on ​​average, two thirds of all businesses fail within 3 years. This is a horrible statistic. Most business failures tend to blame everyone else but themselves for their misfortune,…

The Hero’s Journey in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: The Twain Teaching and the Monomyth

ELA teachers! Raise your hand if you’ve ever had your classes read to you The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn or even just considered it. Now, raise your hand if you’ve ever used Twain’s masterpiece to teach the stages and archetypes…

Advertising Memes: How To Hook Your Prospects To Buy Only From You

“Meme” comes from a Greek word. In marketing terms, the word describes a “package” of information that is instantly understandable. To eliminate the noise and confusion of today’s advertising, only the most compelling and easy-to-understand “packages” succeed. Marketing memes are…

The inspiration of youth sports stars

When I was young, I was in youth track and cross country and was able to rank nationally, and post 4 straight years without losing and all in first place, and I was lucky enough to find something I was…

The Rise of the Global Boutique Production Company

Production companies working with film and photography have seen the industry change throughout the 20th century. Once relegated to the mega-studios or individual advertising companies, it is now common to find a production that is small enough in size to…

What marketing strategy is the best for you?

If you choose the right marketing strategy, you’ll be like that little guy in the middle of my diagram above. Yeah! Victorious! Fist pumps! The problem with marketing today is that there are too many options and it’s too confusing….

Soloemprendedores and Social Networks

Participation in one or more social media platforms is now a given in both professional and personal settings. Almost every Solopreneur has a presence on at least one platform, even if that participation is not active. Social media has the…

Guest Blogging: what it is and the 4 biggest advantages of guest blogs

Guest blogging, in simple terms, is the act of submitting a blog post on someone else’s blog. However, that doesn’t mean you should submit blog posts to just about every blog you find on the internet, as doing so won’t…