the source of revolution

Digital Marketing

How to use social media for e-commerce

Your Guide to Ecommerce Social Media Marketing Having a social media presence is essential to building and increasing brand awareness, driving traffic to your website, and increasing leads and sales. But your accounts are not just platforms for sharing content…

A couples guide to creating a swingers profile

Your profile represents you to potential playmates. Before a single or a partner sends you a message or before they reply to a message sent by you, your profile will most likely be seen. Images Images are extremely important in…

Do sharks deserve their bad reputation?

Since humanity appeared on Earth, it has learned to fear and respect the apex predators that roam our oceans and some freshwater rivers. What am I talking about Sharks In fact, as soon as people hear the word: “Jaws!” Terror…

5 online marketing questions to answer in the new year

With the new year here, it’s safe to say that you have high hopes for the future of your business. While there are sure to be challenges in 2015, if you play your cards right, you’ll know you’re in a…

Do you want to increase the speed of your website? Use these 5 crucial tips

In this age of ultra-fast internet and connectivity, visitors are more impatient beings and won’t wait any longer for your website to load. Performance and speed go hand in hand, and even a fraction of a second difference in download…

Baseball Hitting Tips – Swing Problem Late on Pitching

When looking to solve a baseball batting problem, always look for the easiest “solution” first. Here is a list of some very useful baseball tips on hitting and possible solutions if you are swinging late and not reaching the field…

Magazine Subscription: Add It To Your Amazing Christmas Gift List

Every year at Christmas, everyone tries to find a beautiful way to express love and affection. It is the best time of the year when one can think of the most beautiful gift and give it to those who love…

The need to adapt brand communication

Change is a constant in life. Any brand that refuses to change in time with the trend will find out too late that it is already in the graveyard. We are in the age of adaptation. A cursory look around…

The concept of analysis of the situation of the company: to what extent is it a valid tool in business planning?

Typically, a poorly prepared business plan would definitely fail and can be attributed to one or more of the following factors: inadequate information about the industry, lack of competitors, and knowledge about the position of the business unit, i.e. strengths…

Review of the new BlueGriffon web editor

BlueGriffon is a free WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) HTML editor developed by Gecko, the rendering engine within Firefox. It is cross-platform with versions for Windows XP and Windows 7, Mac OS X, and popular Linux distributions….