the source of revolution

Legal Law

Immigration: Love, Marriage and the Green Card by Shah Peerally, Esq.

Marriage is a very important concept and establishment in the United States, and as such, Congress has determined that a foreign national who marries a United States citizen has the immediate ability to apply for permanent residence under a first…

Quick writing of research papers and essay writing

Although ideally, time is really of the essence when putting together a well-done research paper, there can be some exceptions to this. At any given time, although the reasons “why” may vary, there may be a need to write the…

Titanic, the unsinkable ship sank: a critical Marxist approach

The film began with the search for the valuable and precious Heart of the Ocean necklace. Brock Lovett and his team believed that the necklace sank to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean along with the Titanic. They failed numerous…

Self-confidence is an important element of success in public speaking.

Self-confidence is a crucial element in public speaking success. You are not speaking just to hear yourself speak, you are speaking because you have something to say. Before you can grab the attention of your audience, you need to believe…

Affordable Student Loans: The Guide

Affordable student loans, is there such a thing? The answer is yes, of course there are many methods available today that make it extremely easy to pay off a student loan, even a larger loan. This article will give you…

Social Technology: VoIP and the Cheating Spouse

With technology encroaching on the parts of our lives that we have grown accustomed to as private, we may find it increasingly difficult to trust our partner. Today’s social technology has made it much easier for people with ulterior motives…

Eight basic asset protection techniques

As with any other major transaction, it is always recommended that you seek the advice and attention of an attorney when creating and implementing your estate plan, but whether through laziness or financial incapacity, many Americans still do not plan…

Don’t Wait for Good Credit: 6 Credit Repair Ideas to Get More Mortgage Refinancing and Mortgage Sales

While the subprime mortgage debacle is largely responsible for the current downturn in the economy, the current malaise in the housing market isn’t entirely due to people not wanting or afraid to buy houses; It is largely due to low…

Bankruptcy Lawyer – How to Choose the Right One?

Bankruptcy is the legal declaration by an individual or a business enterprise that it is not in a position to pay outstanding debts to the creditors involved. It is an appeal to the court to do whatever is necessary to…

5 things you must have to be successful in your college life

Starting a university life is not easy. Upon entering the university, you will face new situations that will be extremely different from those you have known before. In addition to having to find a place to eat and sleep, you…