the source of revolution


Is it safe to have rats and a cat in the same house?

A question I get asked a lot is whether it is possible for those who already have a cat to adopt rats as pets. There are a number of factors to consider before making this decision. While there are some…

sales competition

How much does a lack of sales competition cost your business each year? Do customers know more about your products and how to use them than some of your own salespeople? Mishandled situations and missed opportunities are the result of…

Coronavirus: Did you get stuck inside? Make Your Time Valuable With These 5 Easy Activities

At the time of this writing (April 28, 2020), we (most of the US and many in the world) are stuck inside our homes due to the coronavirus. Almost everything is closed: restaurants, movie theaters, and even our churches. When…

Rabbit Meat Production

The increase in the global human population and the global recession will inevitably increase the demand for food, including meat, as well as employment. Great hope is placed in the agricultural sector, which is responsible for supplying food and absorbing…

History of Twix Candy

The Twix is ​​a tasty chocolate bar covered in butter and a thick layer of caramel, while the entire bar is covered in milk chocolate. The size of the Twix candy bar is approximately four inches long and two are…

Tips to help you choose the right farrowing boxes

If you own and manage a pig farm, this article may be useful to you. You are on this page because you are looking for advice to choose a farrowing pen. Nowadays, more and more people feel the importance of…

Is it worth buying Hunter sailboats?

It really depends on a number of things, and most of those things are specific to the individual buyer. I can tell you that in my case it was the right decision. I was very lucky, considering it was the…

Personality and Behaviors of Persian Cats

General description Persian cats are beautiful, social and harmless companion animals. They are also called Iranian cats or Shirizi cats. The scientific name of this domestic animal is Felis catus. Persians have silky, shiny fur, a round face, bright eyes,…

thoughts on meditation

Many seek to escape a world that has become chaotic and stressful, and they do so through physical means that include temporarily vacationing on a tropical island or permanently moving to a secluded cabin in the mountains. But when those…

Breeding meat rabbits: the pros and cons

Raising meat rabbits as a small backyard operation could be a positive experience for a family that wants healthy, drug-free meat. Such a project can involve all members of the family and provide them with an exceptional quality of meat/protein…