the source of revolution


Why I refuse to give up my morning coffee

There is a profound divinity in the first moments when I open my eyes in the morning. The solitude, the stillness, the calm, but most importantly, the realization that I will be drinking my cup of coffee in a few…

Important Search Engine Optimization Tools – Webmasters Choice

Most of us invest heavily in SEO tools to optimize better and we wanted to get the right tool to make SEO work. Here are some SEO tools to help you with your search engine optimization efforts. Link Popularity: You…

Green Christmas: Tips for a frugal and eco-friendly holiday season

Here are lots of tips and ideas to save money and encourage respect for the environment. Give presents 1. Get a notebook. Carry a small notebook with you wherever you go. Use it to keep a list of gift ideas…

Rib pain during pregnancy

Rib pain during pregnancy can be a persistent problem, especially during the third trimester. Your ribcage may feel mildly sore or extremely tender and bruised. You may have discomfort on either or both sides, although it is commonly worse on…

The many costume styles of the 70s

A party that is based on the theme of 70s costumes could be a great idea. Imagine a house full of your friends and family dressed in flared pants and frill-necked shirts. It would certainly be hard for people not…

Bone Marrow Transplantation: What the Media and the Medical Profession Don’t Want You to Know!

After I was diagnosed in January 1989, the medical profession did everything possible to use me as a guinea pig. I think they do this because they know you are in shock and very vulnerable. At 29 years old with…

Simple Christmas Tradition Ideas for Moms

Christmas traditions are something that we all cherish and remember throughout our lives. Take some time this year and make new Christmas traditions with your family. I’ve put together a list of twelve easy Christmas tradition ideas for moms. 1.)…

My experiences caring for children with autism spectrum disorder

Who I am? First, I want to tell you that I am not an expert in child care and diagnosis of behavioral or developmental problems among children. These are just my opinions and experiences as a child care provider and…

Discipline for disrespectful teens

The usual question about raising children is: “What should I do when my children misbehave in the market?” It is disconcerting when young people have fits, run away, cry, complain or resist in the store. It would be wonderful to…

3 Delicious Peanut Butter Snack Recipes Kids Will Love

Peanut butter is delicious, but did you know that it is also good for your health? It’s packed with healthy fats that are good for your heart. It’s a nice gift that you can enjoy without feeling guilty! If this…