the source of revolution


Using the SETT model for a child with ADHD

There are many accommodations that must be made to meet the needs of children with ADHD. The use of assistive technology, changes in the classroom environment, and alterations in teaching style should be considered. In addition, general education teachers must…

How to choose a baby tutu dress

Ballerinas usually wear a tutu dress. It is a short skirt, which usually has several layers of gathered transparent fabric. If you are looking for a unique outfit for your baby, this may be a suitable option. Even if you…

Writers must take care of business

As a writer, it’s easier to work in the business of writing than it is in the business of selling books. You need to continue to grow your business by writing more books, while marketing your current catalog to potential…

Some birthday party ideas for girls that will be a success

Some people have pointed to the fact that a birthday can actually be the most anticipated event in a girl’s life. This is a day that is supposed to be full of fun and lots of things that will make…

15 tips for better baby sleep

One of the most rewarding things as a new parent is hearing the sweet sounds of silence; that is, your baby sleeping peacefully! Every baby is unique in her sleep habits, and it can be difficult for parents to manage….

15 ways for teachers to get organized for the start of the school year

All teachers need an easy-to-use system to help them stay on top of endless pages of marking, revising, and homework. Plan as thoroughly as you can, and if you don’t already have one, develop a system of organization. It is…

Eid Ul Adha. The best religious ceremony of Muslims. December 22, 2018 in Bangladesh and December 21 in East Countres

simply translated into the local language, such as in English Feast of the Sacrifice, in German Opferfest, in Dutch Offerfeest, in Romanian Sărbătoarea Sacrificiului, and in Hungarian Áldozati ünnep. In Spanish it is recognized as Fiesta del Cordero[4] o Fiesta…

Tales from the Crypt of Online Marketing 8 – The Inconvenient Side Effect of the Shop Local Movement

What local B2C businesses need to focus on to stay open Since COVID-19 burst into our lives, there have been many protests on social media about the #ShopLocal movement. I’ve been on that cheerleading team too, how about you? But…

Scrapbooking Children’s favorite stories

Countless memories are built during the formative days of childhood. If there is an excellent medium to record them in any way, it will be the scrapbook. It is true that we cannot capture all the events, but we can…

Advantages of a bed with a headboard

A headboard is defined as a piece of furniture that is attached to the headboard of a bed. Traditionally, a headboard was used to isolate the sleeper from drafts and cold walls. The headboard would leave space between the bed…