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Characteristics of a good speaker

Learning to speak to the public is vital if you plan to give seminars/webinars. Leave the fear and sweat in the past. Now is the time to practice, practice and practice again. Just like anything else, people learn to be great by studying what other speakers have done before: they learn from their mistakes, improve and use the parts that were already strong to overcome any obstacle. Not many people are naturally born with the ability to inspire, persuade, and motivate others.

Learning to feel comfortable speaking to the public is also important to the success of those seminars and webinars. This will help you develop those characteristics necessary for public speaking. People can sense when a speaker is not comfortable and that undermines their confidence in the speaker. You do not want that! You want your prospects and clients to believe that you are the absolute expert when you present at seminars/webinars. A confident speaker creates a bond between the audience and the speaker. When a trusting relationship is established, it helps put the audience at ease so they can really focus on the topic of the seminar.

Like everything else, your presentation, seminar, or speech should do the following:

1. Get their ATTENTION!

2. Reach your INTEREST!

3. Create a WISH!

4. Motivate them to take ACTION!

If you’re giving a seminar, give a short speech to grab their attention and pique their interest. Be sure to use some bold statements. Ask the audience questions and find ways to engage them. Once you have done this, use visual aids to create desire. Videos and PowerPoint presentations are a great way to do this. Once the video is over, motivate your audience to take action. Time limits on special prices are an easy way to motivate your audience.

Keys to help you speak in public – developing those characteristics most admired in public speakers:

1. Create a sincere relationship with your audience: first impressions are crucial

2. Turn your speech into a conversation – relax

3. Make sure your visual aids support your ideas

4. Organize the content and the order of presentation to maximize the effect with your audience

Public speaking takes practice and is not always the easiest thing to do. The most important thing to remember is to speak to your audience in a friendly, down-to-earth manner. When you speak, you are the big shot, the expert! But you are also a nice, friendly and down to earth person. Combine those two qualities and people will respond!


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