the source of revolution


Childish innocence in my own words and emotional expression

I prefer to see the world through the eyes of a child. They have a genuine and very real innocence. It seems that as you become an adult you lose that innocence and once you do, it disappears forever. Have you ever seen a child’s eyes light up at Christmas as they stand in line to tell Santa what they want for Christmas? They are filled with excitement and silent anticipation as their entire world revolves around that one moment in time that leads to sitting on Santa’s lap and truly believing in their heart that they were good this year as they try to remember to mention everything they hope for. he. will leave for them under the family Christmas tree. It is the wonderful thing about being a child and it brings a smile to every parent’s face as they reflect on that special moment when they were children too.

Children have no preconceived notions as they are not yet tainted by experience and they say things honestly and sincerely as they were taught. They never sugarcoat what they say because they have no reason to do so and have not yet adapted that practice to their young lives. They are spontaneous and very perceptive. They are very focused on what they want and there is no question about it. I always remember when I was a child and said something to get the attention of my parents, they always exclaimed “from the mouth of babies!” I find that I say that too when our son says something that makes me smile and I realize that he makes some amazing observations when he expresses them in his own way.

If he could capture the youth, innocence and cuteness of a boy in that precious moment of his early childhood and market it, he would be a rich man. The reality is that our lives are enriched with our children and when we capture them in photos or video we are capturing something very invaluable because those memories are something that we need to preserve and save so that when our children are older we will have something to have as a memory and a gift to show them to preserve that special moment in their lives. When we as parents watch our children grow, it is a wonderful joy, but we feel a little sad as we grow older and our children get over their youth and innocence. It is a reality that we all have to face, but we want to bond with our children for as long as possible and remember those years and never let them go. Childhood is a gift that we as parents enjoy raising our children because the memories of our childhood have long passed and the memories are distant and we were too young to remember it. Our children give us this truly wonderful gift of living and experiencing childhood through their eyes and this is what makes us who we are and teaches us the whole essence of life.

On the subject of children and the things they say, I have fond memories of a television show our family used to watch when I was a child with the host, Art Linkletter and later Bill Cosby. I always loved the segment where each of them asked little kids, both boys and girls, to see their answers and the things they said, so innocently that it really made you smile and laugh because it was very natural and beautiful. They really knew how to treat children and capture them so naturally that it provided the TV viewer with some really fun moments. It was upbeat and fun family entertainment. Kids say the funniest things were keywords and it was a show I always enjoyed because it captured the very innocence of childhood and the spontaneity of a child.

Some of the most popular television commercials focused on the youth and innocence of a child. The most amazing thing you can capture is a child in front of the camera being just a child. It doesn’t matter the decade if it was in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s or today. Children are all the same and they know how to express themselves and say what they have in mind. They are the ones who surprise and dazzle us and that is why we can all see why children are so special. They can make a sad day brighter with their view of things and make the world a much better place.

Children touch our hearts and heal us. We become better and more responsible when a precious baby comes into our life and our lives will forever change in such a beautiful way that it will make each day special and something to look forward to. Children keep us alive and make us feel needed and give us what we always wanted, a family. A mom, a dad and a baby form a family and when we have that in our life we ​​will realize that there is nothing greater than that. The sheer joy of having your baby in your arms close to your heart will make the toughest men a little softer when they hear the precious heartbeat and feel them lean against them as they breathe and sleep in their completely trusting and alien arms. to everything. around them.

As a parent, you realize that there is only you and the baby and all you want when you hold your baby close to your heart is for the moment to last forever because you will never experience a bond as beautiful as that. I get very emotional when I think back to the days when I held my son for the first time in my arms and I remember taking a mental note of how small he was and how special I felt to hug him realizing how totally dependent he was and how how wonderful and wonderful it was. beautiful it was. Life is truly amazing when you share it with others, especially your wife and child. Family is what we all need in our life and to re-experience childhood, but now with a child of our own is the best gift we could ask for. We learn so much from our children that we can write a book of all the experiences, precious moments, and joys they bring us throughout the years. We must realize early on how important it is to document this and keep the memories alive in our hearts and minds. There is nothing that can be compared to the smile of a child and the words said by them of “I love you, Mommy and Daddy!” This really makes my day and puts things in proper perspective.


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