the source of revolution


Cons and pros of energy healing

Life force, energy healing, laying on of hands or electrochemical energy healing, whatever you want to call it… human energy healing has been attracting a lot of attention in recent years. Part of this is due to the ever-increasing promotions of airway-filling pharmaceutical drug commercials on television. You can hardly watch a TV show without seeing at least one or two drug commercials during the break.

To add to this wake-up call, and how many have woken up from their normal daily sleep-wake routine to notice more frequent doctor visits, more exams and tests, more medications, more this and more that. I had seen this same change when I had a pet dog. One day I took my pet to see the vet and they started suggesting all sorts of blood tests, similar to the same tests they do for humans. I refused to give my pet medication as most people just do without thinking about the side effects of the medication, which is the same as the medication given to humans. Betsy lived almost seventeen years. For a lapdog she was a pretty good age to catch up.

So, the best way to sum up the growing interest in natural or alternative healing compared to conventional healing through medical science is the takeover of big pharmaceutical companies who are out to demonize and destroy natural healing and drug based methods. in alternative health so that they can sell more of their products with little or no concern about side effects. The FDA has been corrupted. They have allowed Big Pharma to sell their drugs to the public without concern for their safety. If that wasn’t true, then why all the growing commercials that law firms are looking for people who took certain medications and had certain reactions to them for a lawsuit?

For those who have not yet found or taken a look at energy healing, it is simply a healing method that uses the natural energy that is around and within our physical body. Anyone who has read something about the human brain and its activity understands the electro-connection, also when it refers to the activity of the nerves that run throughout the body sending signals. We get our energy from various sources. Food supplies us with energy, as do oxygen and sunlight. If you are familiar with the works of the East, you will understand the importance of proper lower abdominal breathing. A good supply of oxygen not only supports brain functions, but also improves mood while flushing out toxins from the body.

That is why physical exercise is also so important. By exercising the body, cardio training being best, it gets the blood, energy (chi, qi, ki, prana, mana, etc.) and toxins moving instead of staying stagnant in the body. When people are lazy, eat too much, exercise too little…it allows toxins to just float through the body, damaging organs and other places. This also leads to what many refer to as a blockage in the human electrical circuit. In acupuncture there are twelve meridians, or sometimes called rivers, that run through the body to the organs.

These rivers of energy and resources must continue to flow unobstructed. When they flow freely, the body is healthy. But when they are damaged or blocked in some way, they start destroying health in the area of ​​the block. While that’s bad enough, when one organ’s energy is disrupted, it causes a lack of energy for proper function and begins to affect downstream organs. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, each organ reaches its peak at a certain time of the day. An example would be to start with the lungs, being most active between 3am and 5am, then the next organ in line is the large intestine from 5am to 7am, and so on. So when the energy flow of one organ is affected, it also affects the others. This also puts pressure on the organ in front of you.

So if the lungs were lacking in energy (cold) or had too much energy (too hot), we could look at the lungs, large intestine, and liver in a diagnosis. Also, the heart can be added to the equation. As for the electrical system of the human body, it does not seem like a small system within a larger system, but rather a system in which all the parts must work correctly in order to solve the problem. Without that consideration, insofar as our medical science attacks only the symptoms and covers them with a drug, the problem is allowed to continue. When this is done, the problem continues to exist in the background, and will reappear as a more advanced symptom, or new ones in another area of ​​the body.

While more research needs to be done in this area instead of wasting billions of dollars every year for the last twenty years on harmful pharmaceutical drugs that we already have for just about everything you can think of, and in a variety for every condition, we could offer patients a natural alternative. Energy healing has also united many scammers, just like all areas of life where making quick money at the expense of the helpless and uneducated can be used for profit.

One thing to keep in mind when looking for an energy healer. Look for the ones with a good reputation. Also look for those who work on donations, not high fees like a regular business. Anyone who makes wild claims and asks for a high rate should be considered a scammer. By accepting donations, the patient pays for the performance of it. Like the saying, “If it sounds too good to be true, it most likely is.” So beware of scammers, but don’t take this to mean that all energy healers are scammers. Just use common sense and logic in all your health decisions and you’ll be fine.


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