the source of revolution

Tours Travel

Denny Flanagan – A Champion of Customer Service and a Man of Character

I am endlessly interested in some things and completely uninterested in others, which includes anything mechanical; You’ll find a little middle ground with me.

When I put the key in the ignition of my car, something happens that causes it to start and that I don’t have to understand. I love watching good TV shows, but I don’t care how the picture gets on my TV. However, if you show me a customer service champion, I’ll get over it. I am very curious about the people who make a difference.

This brings me to Captain Dennis J. Flanagan of United Airlines. This is what happened that piqued my interest in this man of character.

My wife and I were traveling to Arizona for a week in Sedona. Our flight to Denver would leave Baltimore on United Airlines. About 30 minutes before our scheduled departure, we sat at the gate waiting to board when the gate to the Jetway opened. The United captain walked out, walked to the ticket counter and took the microphone. Based on my substantial flying experience, a variety of possible scenarios bombarded my brain, none of them good!

Then this captain began to speak. “Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. This is your captain, Denny Flanagan.” He went on to describe the weather we anticipated and our route. He then said, “We’re flying a Boeing 757 this morning. If you have any questions during our flight about the plane or the flight, I’d be happy to answer them. Our plane this morning is in excellent shape.” He followed a long pause, then, “And I’m in good shape.” The passengers laughed. “By the way,” he continued, “this is my first flight.” Silence… “Today!” he added he with a smile.

Excellent. He makes schtick! He is a pilot with whom I identify.

Among the waiting passengers, I could see their moods changing rapidly like a wave. Previously they didn’t seem anxious or worried, just indifferent or tired. After that announcement, they seemed cheerful and eager to board.

We wondered what would happen next. Jimmy Buffet with a parrot? A conga line?

As we began to board, Captain Flanagan stood at the door of the plane handing out cards with a photographed 757 on one side and a description of the plane on the other. Greeting him, I mentioned that he was an executive coach and consultant who published a monthly newsletter. I said that I would like to write something about his friendliness and gave him my business card. He replied that he would love to talk sometime.

An hour into our flight, Anne, the flight attendant, spoke into the intercom and said, “Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Here at United we believe traveling should be fun. That’s why Captain Flanagan is giving away discount tickets on United.” “.

Wait a minute, now we’re going to have a raffle? Whats Next? karaoke?

She continued, “On your cocktail napkin, write the reason you chose United for your air travel. Then I’ll draw four napkins and read the answers. Each of those people will receive a coupon for a discount on a future United flight.” “. “

The raffle ended and I did not win. But a few minutes later, Anne came down the hall with one of Captain Flanagan’s business cards. On the back was this note: “Mr. Golletz, you are a valued customer and your business is greatly appreciated. Please let me know how we can exceed your expectations. Also, could you wait for me after the flight?” Signed, “Captain Denny”.

I couldn’t meet him due to a close connection in Denver, so I asked Anne to tell him I’d call him after my vacation in Sedona, saying I couldn’t wait to find out more about him. Before taking my reply to Denny in the booth, he told me what he knew about this unusual and extraordinary fellow:

  • He institutes the raffle on every flight and posts responses on cocktail napkins where United employees can read them.
  • He has a large number of copies of a coffee table-sized book on United’s history and presents them to United associates who are exceptionally responsive to customers.
  • Handwrite personal notes of thanks on the back of your business cards for each first-class passenger on each of your flights.
  • Provide your personal credit card to unaccompanied minors on your flights so they can use the in-flight phone to call home.
  • One of Denny’s co-pilots, Buck Wyndham (what’s that a pilot’s name?), was so impressed that he asked Denny if he could record it for several days after the boss approved of the idea. The video recording was later used for in-company training.

When I got home from that vacation, I talked to Denny and several people close to him. My main question was, “What created this dedication to customers?” Denny said, “I do it because it’s my job.” He is not a type prone to self-indulgent behavior. His wife, Terri, told me that he has a deep sense of duty and loyalty that endures despite adverse circumstances. His partner Bud Potts, another United pilot, couldn’t explain this quality in Denny. He expressed his admiration for both who Denny is and what he does.

Keep learning from Captain Denny

What have I learned (or reaffirmed) from my experience with Captain Denny? Here are three conclusions:

1. Over the years, United Airlines has experienced many well-documented challenges. Providing a bright spot in the midst of the fray is a leader who demonstrates resilience, persistence, tenacity, love of people, loyalty, and dedication. Where you got it isn’t as important as that you got it. Character counts!

2. People follow examples instead of orders. Denny frequently spreads the word of customer service to other United associates. They listen to him because his actions reflect his words. It is consistent and authentic. He reinforces what he says with what he does.

3. When we are faced with difficult times and circumstances, we have options. We can focus on the good with a positive attitude or complain about the way things are and harbor resentment. You’ve probably heard it before and I’ll say it again: Resentment is the equivalent of drinking poison and expecting someone else to die. I know people at United who want the company to fail out of deep-seated animosity and their need to prove themselves right. At the risk of sounding simplistic, I say, “Find something else to do with your life!”

When times get tough, people throw in the towel and leave out of frustration. To those at United and other companies who have faced similar challenges and left, I say, “Sometimes leaving is the right response, both for the organization and for the individual. It’s better to leave than to be angry.”

To people everywhere who decide to plant their feet and work for productive change: Bravo! Find other like-minded people who give you the courage to continue the fight. Incubate ideas; start an independent action; take risks; build the business you want.

For everyone, but more particularly United’s executive managers, what can they learn from this story and how can they build on that lesson? Will you have the courage and intelligence to bet on the likes of Denny Flanagan?

PS: I first wrote about Denny in my monthly newsletter in 2005. Since then others have noticed his amazing qualities as well. For example, he has appeared on the network television shows “This Morning” and “Good Morning America” ​​and has been featured in a front-page story on the Wall Street Journal. In an industry that desperately needs heroes, Denny teams up with pilot Sully Sullenberger (of “dropping the plane in the Hudson River” fame) as a guy to emulate. I am proud that Denny and I have become good friends. When he’s in DC or Baltimore, we still have dinner together. (Come to think of it, Denny, you owe me a meal.)

Copyright 2010 Rand Golletz. All rights reserved.


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