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Lifestyle Fashion

Different Methods of Raising Chickens

Raising chickens can be a very exciting activity, especially for those who love them. Depending on the reason behind keeping the birds, the choice of birds will also determine the method of keeping them. People who keep chickens as pets may not need to take a fancy to the art of keeping chickens. However, chickens are all the same in one respect, hence the food they eat and the problems that can affect them.

free field method

The free range method means that the chickens are free to roam in a safe area. This time the ancient method has been practiced in various parts of the world with great success. Letting chickens roam has great benefits for both the chickens and the farmer.

Chickens can naturally balance their diet by foraging for insects and pests and even vegetables and fruits as they roam their surroundings. As pests and other insects on the farm eat, they automatically help the farmer to control the pests.

Chickens raised using this method have been shown to produce better quality eggs compared to factory-raised ones. Raising chicken is an activity that is not restricted to any particular group of people. Anyone old enough to understand the needs of birds can raise chickens.

However, it is crucial to check the existing laws governing the keeping of chickens, even more so for people who live in cities. However, one thing that anyone who wants to keep chickens should be aware of is the fact that roosters are very loud and quite aggressive, especially if there are more than one in a single flock. Roosters will always have turf wars in addition to crowing, a trait that can make them quite intolerable to some people.

factory method

Although this method is considered to be very harsh on the birds, it is better for people who intend to raise chickens in large numbers and for commercial purposes. In this method, chickens are kept in built structures resembling chicken coops, then all their necessities are brought into the coops as they are not allowed to leave their structure at any given time.

The farmer even controls the temperatures in the structure through the use of electricity or any other power source. One thing most people dislike about the factory method is the way the chickens are put under artificial conditions to maximize production.

Basic needs

However, chickens will require certain basic necessities regardless of the method used to raise them. These basic needs will include frequent vaccination against possible infections, good nutrition, and a clean and healthy environment in which to live.

Chickens are still productive animals to keep for whatever reason; they provide us with a self-sufficient lifestyle. If you have a small garden, chicken will also provide a good and reliable source of compost that will keep your garden in very fertile condition.


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