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Do the best book ideas originate in the marketplace or in the author’s heart?


Do the best book ideas originate in the marketplace OR in the author’s heart? This is the first big question aspiring authors ask themselves when they first decide they want to write their first book. The answer is not as elusive as many might believe. The best book ideas can be developed by looking at what is currently selling well on Amazon, AND combining it with what your heart desires to write about. Choosing your book idea based entirely on one form or the other is bound to make your book a flop. But choosing your book topic based on a combination of both (the needs of the market and the needs of your heart) is sure to make your book a financial and critical success.

Market or heart?

When it comes to choosing a new book idea, some authors base their entire decision on what they think will be popular in the marketplace. Maybe they think that this will be the easiest way to make quick money. But if their choice of topics is based solely on what other people buy on Amazon, then there won’t be enough personal conviction and authority behind the book, and they’ll lose credibility with readers. This will almost certainly guarantee that the book will be a flop.

Alternatively, some will be completely ignorant of what books the market is buying and will solely base their decision to write their book on a topic of interest only to them. This is unfortunate, because they will miss out on the most rewarding part of writing a book, which is sharing information with readers who could benefit from their experiences. But this will also ensure that the book is a financial loser and hardly anyone reads it.

Which is the answer?

As you may have guessed by now, the answer lies somewhere in between. This is the place where the needs of the readers and the desires of their hearts meet. This is an important intersection because this is where the financially successful books are made, where your expertise and market need meet. So if you’re really passionate about an idea, but no one else cares, then your book won’t be a financial success. So, to become financially successful AND to make sure that as many people as possible read your book, your idea (theme) for your book must align with what readers need to solve their problems. Up to this point, it’s all hope and guesswork, and a lot of wasted conviction on your part.

Where to start?

Your blog is the first place to start. This is where you have been writing about your topic. This is also where you have been developing your writing voice and showing your audience that you have a passion for your subject matter. As your blog writer, you will know which blog posts resonate with your readers. These are clues as to what will sell. This is a great reason to blog. Because blogs are like a giant research project that gets feedback from the market, aka your audience. With your blog, you’re not only building a platform, but you’re also doing market research for the type of content that will resonate with your audience.


Once you understand that the success of a book (financial, personal, creative) falls somewhere between what the market is willing to pay for and what you want to write, you can quickly whittle down your idea for a book into something great. .


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