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Easy ideas to decorate the bedroom

Decorating your bedroom can be a great way to give yourself a quiet retreat, but many people neglect this room. People often focus on the public areas of the house: the kitchen, the living room, and the guest bathroom, but the bedroom is your own private sanctuary and you need to decorate it!

If decorating your bedroom seems like a daunting task, you may want to take it easy and make small changes over a period of time instead of one big change. One way to make decorating your bedroom easier is to start with the walls. Artwork can make a big difference to the look of your bedroom and is a decorating idea that you can easily reverse if the look isn’t working.

What is the first thing you notice when you walk into someone’s house? The walls, right? The walls enclose the house, giving a thematic impression. So if your walls are empty, you need to get to work filling them up. Tapestries can be expensive, but that’s only if you buy something from a famous dead artist. You can create your own artwork without any art instruction. First, you have to consider your topic. If you have a Victorian, girly, or shabby chic bedroom theme, you’ll want floral or girly artwork. A modern bedroom theme will look better with prints in stylish frames. A tropical look? Then get jungle-style prints or exotic animal and bird prints.

Do you have hundreds of photos and do not know what to do with them? If the idea of ​​a personalized bedroom picture wall appeals to you, you can organize the photos into a large photo wall collage. Examples include images of exotic places, weddings, and children growing up. If there is a teenager in your house, her bedroom probably houses a large collection of music CDs. They can create their own wall collage using their CD covers. Although you will have more fun creating your collage yourself, there are companies that will take care of this for you. Cost ranges from $50 for an 8×10 to $150 for a 20×24 wall collage.

If your bedroom contains foliage, you might consider pressing leaves or flowers and framing your work; the best of these are flat. Basically, you place the leaves or flowers on a book to allow them to dry completely. They are ready to hang on the wall when they are crispy. This shouldn’t take more than a week or two. After pressing the elements, you will only need to assemble the artwork and hang it on the wall.

When you decorate your bedroom with artwork, you are only limited by your imagination. Don’t be afraid to experiment. As mentioned above, artworks are easily reversible. So, be imaginative and creative and design your artwork.


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