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Health Fitness

Eat your carbs and still lose weight

I know that’s all you hear these days is that you have to skip carbs to lose weight. No wonder everyone gets confused. Now they say eat the good carbs and your body will go into fat burning mode. Bad carbs are still to be avoided, they are white bread, white rice, white potatoes, pasta, and sugar. Good carbohydrates are fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, and nuts. It’s actually easy to include good carbs in your daily meal plans. All you need to do is have at least one piece of fruit or one serving of vegetables for each meal. If you’re eating the recommended five or six smaller meals a day, you’ve just added five or six fruits and vegetables a day.

Here are some tips to lose 5-10 pounds in 2 weeks:

1. Get all your carbs from fruits and vegetables. That means no pimples for 2 weeks.
2. Drink nothing but water. You should consume half your body weight in ounces. Example; If you weigh 200 pounds, you need 100 ounces of water a day.
3. Do not consume any dairy products for 2 weeks. That includes yogurt, cheese, and milk.

If you follow these simple tips for 2 weeks, you should be 5-10 pounds lighter. So you can eat your carbs and still lose weight. You just have to be selective with what you eat. You should also increase the amount of protein you eat. It is necessary to include protein in each meal. I wish you every success in meeting your weight loss goals.


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