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Eye to eye: facing the consequences of dividing Israel

A book review

By Gary Boyd

William Koenig, author of Eye to Eye, has been a White House correspondent for sixteen years, president of World Watch Daily, and publishes weekly, Koenig’s View from the White House.

In his book Eye to Eye you will learn about the consequences nations and leaders have gone through after pressuring Israel to divide their land.

He recounts how the Jewish people have a 3,7000-year history with the land of Israel and a 3,000-year history connection with the city of Jerusalem.

Every world power that has controlled and occupied the land of Israel has become a former world power or lost power, such as ancient Rome and Great Britain.

He recounts how more than $ 100 billion has been spent on unprecedented catastrophes that occurred while Presidents Bush the Elder, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump were calling on Israel to divide the Promised Land.

The costliest insurance events, the most destructive hurricanes, the costliest tornado outbreaks, the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Hurricanes Katrina and Harvey all corresponded to heavy pressure from the White House on Israel to divide its land.

Jerusalem is mentioned 812 times in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, he says for a reason. The United States, the UN, and the EU do not have the authority to divide God’s covenant land. If they try, the Bible declares that Jerusalem will become a heavy stone and efforts to divide the earth will lead to Armageddon, the final battle for Jerusalem. The God of Israel will continue to rebuke those leaders and judge their nations if they continue to divide the land.

Scripture says in Zechariah 12: 9, “And it will come to pass in that day that I will destroy all nations that come against Israel.” That day corresponds to the final battle of Armageddon.

Some of the chapters include:

Historical Basis of Israel’s Right to Land – The Error of Replacement Theology – US Disasters and Events

What Koenig has invented is more than five hundred pages of facts and figures, stories and images relating to horrific catastrophic events that befall nations that declare that Israel should give up parts of its promised land for peace.

I will give Eye to Eye a rating of five stars out of five for its excellent research on catastrophic events pertaining to the peace talks. The original book that I read years ago was much shorter, less detailed, and raised many doubts as to why the timing of events was so close. This updated version adds many catastrophic events and more arguments in favor of God’s word and why all these accumulated events ultimately rain judgment in the end. A standing ovation is required for this excellent work.


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