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Halitosis: The Dragon’s Breath Blues

It is estimated that 35 percent of the world’s population suffers from halitosis, more commonly known as chronic bad breath.

Bad breath or also known as dragon breath is an embarrassing problem and many of us would have suffered from it at some point in our lives and it affects millions of people every day. Just because bad breath is a common problem doesn’t mean you have to live with it.

Bad breath occurs for many reasons in the mouth and does not come from the stomach.

Strong foods like garlic and onion are absorbed into the bloodstream and odors are expelled through the lungs causing temporary bad breath that can be easily eliminated by taking a piece of mint candy, sugarless gum or a sprig of parsley.

Bad breath can also be caused by what you are NOT eating!

Bad breath is usually caused by the breakdown of protein by bacteria somewhere in the mouth, which is probably the dirtiest place on the human body. Bad breath is not contagious, which means that one cannot catch it from another person.

Persistent bad breath is usually caused by food debris on the gums, teeth, and tongue. Germs and bacteria feast on this free lunch that coats your teeth, gums, and tends to get into the grooves and crevices of your tongue, producing lots of nasty, stinky gases that result in a bad odor ( Volatile sulfur compound = VSC).

Caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol increase acid production in the mouth, allowing VSC-producing bacteria to thrive. VSCs produced by bacteria in the oral cavity can survive with little or no oxygen.

Saliva is high in oxygen content, and oxygen helps neutralize VSC production and keeps halitosis away. Therefore, to avoid bad dragon breath, it is essential to ensure that you do not have a dry mouth. In fact, this is one of the reasons why drooling babies don’t have bad breath.

According to Dr. Richard Price of the American Dental Association, “90 percent of bad breath comes from bacteria in the mouth.” The other 10 percent could be due to sinus problems, gastrointestinal issues, the Atkins diet (the high-protein diet can lead to a metabolic imbalance called ketosis), and in rare cases, bad breath can be related to serious medical problems, such as respiratory problems. infection, chronic sinusitis, postnasal drip, chronic bronchitis, diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, and liver or kidney ailments. On the other hand, he also emphasizes that bad breath is unlikely to be the first symptom of a serious illness.

The bacteria on our teeth and gums (plaque) also cause gum disease and tooth decay (periodontal disease). One of the warning signs of gum disease is that you always have bad breath or a strange bad taste in your mouth. Approximately 75% of American adults have some form of gum disease, most of them without knowing they have it as it is painless and silent in its early stages.

Dental studies indicate that about 85 percent of people with persistent bad breath, also known as halitosis, have a dental problem. So if you suffer from chronic bad breath, you should visit your dentist. Your dentist may be able to see the problem and treat it during your regular checkups.

Gum disease has been linked to the development of heart disease, respiratory disease, and the delivery of low birth weight premature babies. If you have an open blood vessel due to bleeding gums, the bacteria will enter your bloodstream.

When bacteria enter the bloodstream, they find small pieces called platelets that clot your blood when you cut yourself. By sticking to the platelets, the bacteria cause it to clot inside the blood vessel, partially clogging it. This prevents blood from flowing back to the heart and we risk a heart attack,” said Dr Steve Kerrigan, from the Royal College of Surgeons in Dublin, Ireland.

Fortunately, there are things we can do to help prevent unpleasant odors on our breath. A clean mouth and good dental hygiene will make you more immune to infections, have a healthy smile and reduce bad breath. It’s never too early or too late to start taking care of your teeth and gums!

So brush and floss regularly. Clean your tongue every day with a soft brush and also use a mouthwash. If your gums hurt or bleed, see your dentist for a dental checkup.

Don’t rely on mouthwash or breath freshener to solve your bad breath problem, as they only temporarily cover up odors. If you clean up your diet and you still can’t seem to get rid of your dragon’s breath, you may want to see your dentist or internist to rule out any underlying disease. Don’t let bad breath ruin your confidence and take back control of your life.

Follow these tips to help prevent bad breath and keep your mouth healthy every day:

  1. Visit your dentist at least twice a year Visit your dentist regularly for a professional cleaning and checkup. This is the best way to ensure that you maintain good oral hygiene.
  2. Brush your teeth at least twice a day Experts recommend brushing your teeth at least twice a day and ideally after meals or snacks with a fluoride-containing toothpaste. Brushing is essential to remove food particles left in the mouth and around the teeth. Those particles can accumulate bacteria and cause bad breath.
  3. To keep your breath fresh between brushings, try:

  • Rinse your mouth with water after eating if you cannot brush your teeth
  • Chew sugarless gum to stimulate saliva flow, which naturally cleanses teeth
  • Take celery, carrots or apples, which can help loosen food debris when chewing
  • Floss every day

    All the tight spaces between the teeth or the areas below the gum line cannot be reached by the toothbrush. Flossing removes plaque buildup and will remove food debris between teeth to improve oral health.
  • If you have signs of gum disease, such as red or swollen gums, see your dentist or a periodontist.

    (gum specialist) right away.

  • Use a mouthwash

    Some contain antibacterial agents that could kill the bacteria that cause bad breath. Keep in mind that if a dental problem is the cause of your chronic bad breath, a mouthwash will only temporarily hide the foul odor from your mouth and not cure it.
  • brush your tongue

    Brush or scrape your tongue daily to help remove bacteria.
  • avoid tobacco

    Smoking can cause chronic bad breath because the tar and nicotine that build up on the surfaces of the mouth can leave an unpleasant odor. Additionally, smoking blocks the flow of saliva, tends to dry out the mouth and encourages the growth of bacteria.
  • Avoid foods and drinks that cause odors on your breath

    Eating or drinking certain foods and drinks such as: garlic, onions, coffee, alcoholic beverages can cause chronic bad breath.
  • Avoid dry mouth (xerostomia)

    Saliva is necessary to clean the mouth and remove particles that can cause bad odor. If you suffer from dry mouth, talk to your dentist about recommending an over-the-counter saliva substitute or suggesting sugar-free gum or candy that stimulates saliva, and be sure to increase your fluid intake by drinking plenty of water.
  • Top 5 Foods To Get Rid Of Bad Breath Caused By What You Have Eaten:

    1. Chewing Fresh Herbs Chewing coriander, spearmint, tarragon, eucalyptus, rosemary and cardamom or simply putting them in hot water are good for fighting bad breath.
    2. Eat crunchy fruits or vegetables Apples, carrots, celery, basically any fruit or vegetable rich in fiber can help loosen food debris between the teeth and gums when chewing. If not removed regularly, a buildup of bacteria (plaque) forms, causing bad breath.
    3. Eat yogurt with active cultures A research study shows that a daily serving of yogurt with active cultures, varieties that are not overly processed or sugary, can reduce the level of hydrogen sulfide that causes bad odor in your mouth. It also reduces the buildup of bacteria in the mouth, as plaque removal and gum disease were also reduced in the yogurt consumers in the study. The vitamin D found in yogurt creates an inhospitable environment for the growth of bacteria according to the American Dietetic Association (ADA).
    4. Masking Techniques Mints or sugar-free gum can freshen breath (mask odors) and also increase saliva production to wash away plaque and bacteria.
    5. A food or fruit rich in vitamin C, such as berries, citrus fruits, melons, and other foods rich in vitamin C, create an inhospitable environment for the growth of bacteria and are also important in preventing gum disease and gingivitis, which are the main causes of halitosis.


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