the source of revolution

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Have you been programmed to avoid love?

Are you a fan of the fun new American TV show, My childrenthat narrates the

life and dating adventures of an attractive 20-something woman?

Do you still look? sex and the city?

Many women do. One factor these programs have in common, such as

most fiction, is that the protagonists are seldom satisfied in their

love searches.

For example, in a recent episode of My childrenthe main character endures

his former love, which awakened warm memories. She discovered that she was

still very attracted to him. She seemed to return his interest to her.

He had illusions.

He invited her to dinner, making her believe that they had

come together again But, while he was drinking, he lowered the boom:

just got engaged to someone else.

sex and the city is full of romantic disappointment. is what drives

the show. Face it, no one would be tuning in for all these years

if Carrie married Mr. Big in the first season and gave birth

to triplets in the second season.

Who would care?

Drama–conflict– makes for great television. He makes good books, good movies,

good art Happiness is boring.

The problem? We begin to believe that happiness is unattainable (or, more

important, boring) in our own lives. We automatically assume that

we have to be disappointed in love.

Subconsciously we look for the drama. We go for less than we deserve.

But only because PJ and Carrie (and Charlotte and Samantha and Miranda)

can’t find love, you can.

You can be happy in love (even if your friends are not, your parents

they are not, your sister is not). You can be lucky in love. look at the people in

your own life that you are happily married. Use them as role models.

Boredom is hardly inevitable!

By all means, enjoy sex and the city and other shows like this. Goal

write your own script when it comes to the romance you desire. What,

for example, will you feel happy and secure in a relationship?

You know? If not, it’s time to give it some thought. Do

Specify by writing it. Start imagining yourself in the

relationship you want with the kind of man that will make you happy.

This works.

You will ask yourself: What is more important? visualizing your

perfect relationship, or go out and find it?

I was dating for a long time and ended up with everything wrong.

men until I began to visualize. The right men didn’t check in on me

radar screen until I did.

Please don’t dismiss the power of visualization. Works.

And it doesn’t cost you a dime.

To attract the right man, visualize first. Then get out of the house.

Do the things you like to do (I have a theory that if everyone

He said he loved taking long walks on the beach, he actually took them,

online dating would cease to exist).

The man of your dreams also dreams of you. If you want it, you can have it.


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