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Homeschooling: A Lifestyle Adventure: A Serena Serenity Novel Review

Are you a passionate homeschooling mom, mountain climber? Perhaps you are a mother, or possibly a grandmother, of one or two preschool children. Perhaps you are a career woman and want to be a homemaker. She may even be a young girl facing a bright and uncharted future. Are you a parent grieving for a sick child or an empty place at your table?

Serena’s Serenity will surprise you! This is a fresh and modern novel for all understanding age groups. You’ll feel sorry for Serena as she weeps over her daughter’s grave. Maybe you’ll cheer her up as she works with a difficult boss. If she’s ever struggled financially, this easy-to-read format will capture her attention as she “watches” Serena improvise to make ends meet in order to reunite with her twin daughters. How distressing it is for Serena, as a homeschooling mom, not to have that special task of creating new memories every day with her children.

We all have dreams. Join Serena at the thriller piano competition in New York City and clap your hands at the duo’s announcements. Will her precious lifestyle be restored? If you are not a student at home, you will discover in a fun way some of the technicalities behind the scenes. Serena is also not alone as the chapters progress. There are several lives of other key characters that you will dive into as well.

How thrilled I would be if my heartfelt book encouraged him as much as I have over the years with the Janette Oke and Laura Ingalls Wilder series. Laura and her sisters were often homeschooled, even though it wasn’t written that way back in the day. Isabella Macdonald Alden, the instrumental aunt in Grace Livingston Hill’s early developing career, also had a positive influence on me during my teenage years. Lady. Alden’s pseudonym was “Pansy”. My favorite story about her is that she was born in Rochester, New York…where I grew up…and was often homeschooled by her father. Her mother was Myra Spafford Macdonald, daughter of Horatio Gates Spafford. Lady. Alden’s grandfather is best known for writing the hymn “It Is Well With My Soul” after all four of his daughters drowned at sea, only his wife surviving.

Belle married Pastor Alden in New York and continued to write about characters who were unwaveringly committed to following Christ. Also a teacher at the Chautauqua assemblies, this author served as a role model for me. May this information edify you to treat the “rocks” in your goal “path” as “steps.” II Corinthians 4:7 says, “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the excellency of the power may be God’s, and not ours.”

As another author/preacher I respect said, “God doesn’t want special people with special powers. He just wants ordinary saved sinners that God loves and who are willing to minister, not raised to heights of pride because we are so spiritual! We must glorify Christ, not us. The serenity of May Serena serves precisely for that. We as humans are often too engrossed in our own lives to think of others in a positive way. I trust you will refresh yourself to move on.

I am grateful to be a homeschooling mom like pioneering women have been throughout the centuries. Have you ever studied how famous presidents had been taught at home? What a way for Christian parents to develop wonder in the lives of children!

For Christ,

Lady. Lisa Moravek, author

(Graduated from the Institute of Children’s Literature)


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