the source of revolution


How Advances In Technology Are Causing Obesity In Today’s Children

There are times when I’m writing that I stare out the window thinking. I have often observed young people walking on the sidewalk with headphones and text messages. I have a feeling this continues when the young man comes home.

Send text messages: I admit that I will text someone in the house with me instead of going to talk to them. Usually that is because I am at the bottom and they are at the top. If I’m doing that, I’m pretty sure kids are doing it. Why get up and go where someone is when you can text?

Too busy: When my teachers gave assignments they had to take into account that we would have to physically go to the library to obtain information for any report or final work. That was calculated in the amount of time allotted for the assignment to expire.

That is no longer necessary. In fact, schools are giving children from sixth grade iPads so they can finish their tasks faster. All teachers think it’s great because kids can learn faster and faster. That’s great … unless your child has five teachers who want a four page report (word processing) with bibliography within a week. When is the child supposed to exercise?

Instant gratification: If you want to know something, there are pieces of technology in most of our houses that will help you do it. If you want to see something, you don’t have to go to a video store. There are quite a few companies that offer what you want to see from the comfort of your living room. The same applies to many video games. If you want to buy something, you don’t have to go to the store.

All at home: The technology is great, but it has some drawbacks. When it is too much effort to get up and go talk to someone * in the same house *, technology is creating part of our obesity problem, especially with our children.


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