the source of revolution


How I use Friend Blaster Pro software to automate MySpace marketing

If MySpace works properly. Any network marketer who uses MySpace to market knows that it can become an ongoing effort. In my opinion, Friend Blaster Pro is the best software to use for MySpace marketing.

When I started learning how to market online, I was told by other marketers that MySpace was a great place to generate leads. MySpace currently has more than 200 million people on the network. There is no possible way that I can attract a good part of the net to my profile without the use of software.

Friend Blaster Pro works well because it automates much of the marketing process. I used to have to go to profiles and manually send friend requests and comments. This could take hours depending on how many I need to send in a day.

Friend Blaster Pro will allow you to immediately catch other people’s profile IDs and then automatically send friend requests. You will still have to enter the captcha code from time to time, but it is much faster. MySpace is very particular about spam and will close your profile if it receives a lot of complaints or if they suspect you are sending spam. What I learned to do was create between 1 and 5 profiles that were generic and attracted people. I made sure my profile wasn’t one big ad with flashing banners all over the place. Then I started sending 100-200 friend requests per day. Throughout the day, people added me as a friend or sent me a friend request. By the end of a week, he had sent over 1000 friend requests spread across 5 profiles.

Then I would use the software to automate and send feedback to all my friends. I would write generic positive comments with a link to my website. (Did you know that search engines like Google will pick up your comments?)

I would write articles and send a newsletter to all 5 profiles. My friends could read my newsletter every day. Friend Blaster Pro’s automaton bulletins too.

So how much does friend blaster pro cost? It is very affordable. For $ 60 I was able to download it to my desktop and upload an unlimited number of profiles. I highly recommend getting this software for your MySpace marketing. Remember that TIME is money and Friend Blaster Pro saves you a lot of time.


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