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How to cure Crohn’s disease

If you suffer from Crohn’s disease, then you are living a nightmare! I know. I too suffered from this debilitating disease for 4 years, perhaps longer without my knowledge. Despite the seemingly endless ‘No Cure’ claims, I proved them wrong. Today I am totally free of Crohn’s disease and the doctors are amazed.

This is what I suggest:

1. Get a full heavy metal test.

Normal blood tests cannot detect heavy metals. Saliva and hair analysis bottle. It is now widely recognized that Crohn’s disease can be caused by mercury toxicity.

2. Get rid of your mercury fillings.

The most common source of mercury poisoning is dental fillings. See a holistic dentist and have them removed safely.

3. Detox.

An experienced natural practitioner will put you on a detoxification program that will remove mercury and any other troublesome toxins from your body, particularly your gut.

4. Get tested for candida growth.

Many of us have too many sugary foods and drinks. These and many other yeast-producing products can create a fungal environment in our intestines.

5. Have bifidus products.

Good quality bifidus taken daily in cold water will make a world of difference in how your bowels work. If your gut slows down significantly, consider increasing your bifidus dosage significantly. Consult your experienced naturopath for advice.

6. Eat only soft foods until your bowel movements return to normal.

When your intestine is inflamed, avoid eating foods that may irritate it. Soft foods will slide on it and provide healing nutrition.

7. Drink 8 glasses of Evian or Fiji water a day.

The water cleanses the entire body of unwanted toxins. High-quality bottled water, such as Evian and Fiji, contain an extraordinarily high amount of beneficial minerals.

8. Exercise in a jumper every day.

A fantastic toxin cleanser that will quickly and effectively get things moving in the right direction.

9. Go to sleep at 10 pm every night.

Sleep is not only healing, but it is a moment of relaxation. Both are essential for restoring the gut to optimal health.

10. Get a lot of sun

Vitamin D benefits every part of our body. The safest and most beneficial times to go out are in the early morning or late afternoon.


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