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How to treat your angular cheilitis

If you suffer from angular cheilitis, you will have red bumps at the corners of your mouth. In fact, angular means the corner of the mouth and cheilitis means hives or lesions. This short article will go over what you need to do to be able to cure your angular cheilitis so that you can start living life normally again (no more staring at what you eat or worrying about opening your mouth too wide).

First of all, a lot of rumors are circulating (especially on the Internet) about the causes of angular cheilitis and how to cure it. First of all, angular stomatitis is not caused by a vitamin deficiency. This was what people believed a few decades ago, but recently it has been shown that it is not the cause of chapped corners of the lips.

So what causes angular cheilitis? The main cause is that the constant moisture from the mouth comes into contact with the dry, wounded or weak corners of the mouth. When this happens, bacteria from saliva get into the skin folds at the corner of the mouth, causing inflammation and irritation. Over time, your mouth will start to redden and the corners of your lips will blister and even split.

At this point, you may think that your lips are just chapped and adding Chap Stick to your lips will solve the problem. Unfortunately, Chap Stick will not kill bacteria that cause lip irritation. When the corners of your mouth break (and they usually do), she will try to put antibiotic ointments like Neosporin and a triple antibiotic ointment on it. Unfortunately, these will not kill fungus and bacteria and will not heal or cure your lips.

The only way you can get rid of your angular stomatitis is to kill the fungus and bacteria that are preventing your lips from healing naturally. Your lips and mouth are actually one of the fastest healing parts of your body, so once you get rid of bacteria, you will be able to see a significant change pretty quickly. Which is good, because walking around with chapped corners of your lips can be quite embarrassing because most people will assume that you have cold sores or extremely chapped lips due to poor hygiene.

Hopefully, this article will help answer any questions you have about angular cheilitis, including how to treat it and what not to do if you find out you have it.


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