the source of revolution


Ideas for a 70s costume party

If you’re thinking of having a theme party and want something that’s great fun for all the guests, how about a 70’s costume?

Sometimes when people throw a theme party, it can actually be a bit limiting when it comes to choosing an outfit, but with a 70’s costume party, this certainly won’t be a problem. When you sit back and think about the 1970s (if you’re old enough to remember them…), it won’t be long before you realize how many different styles of clothing there are to choose from. The 1970s went through various stages, from hippies in caftans and baggy pants to the last days of gold medallions and the disco look immortalized by artists like The Bee Gees. The decade actually went through a lot of changes when it came to an end. The options in costumes of the 70s are really immense.

There are a few things that epitomize the decade, and when choosing your outfit, they’re pretty essential. Think of things that were people’s favorites, like ‘flare pants’, oversized sunglasses, and pork chop sideburns. Platform shoes are another very popular choice for ’70s costumes, as are the ‘glam rock’ outfits worn by Slade, The Sweet, Mud and David Bowie (when he was in his Ziggy Stardust phase). There are also some great wigs available to help you complete your look. Be sure to remember flashy shirts with flared collars. You can get great costume ideas just by watching some old videos of singers or TV shows from the era. Another truly iconic outfit that is always a popular choice when it comes to 70s costumes is Elvis Presley’s white studded cat suit. Don’t be surprised if more than one of your guests arrives with him…

Depending on how much work you want to put in, there are some typically ‘retro’ activities that you can incorporate into your 70’s costume party. You could put on some suitable games like ‘Twister’ and ‘Ker-Plunk’ along with things like ‘Space Hopper’ races. ‘. A quick look through the Internet will soon remind you of many other 1970s games, toys, and hobbies that you could use for your occasion.

The most important thing about your party is that both you and your guests enjoy it. There are all kinds of things you can do with this theme and it should be a lot of fun. Even if you decide to keep your party relatively simple, it will still be something most people will enjoy. There really were some totally ridiculous fashions back then and seeing a group of friends and family dressed in them should become a fun and enjoyable experience.


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