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Insurance Customer Satisfaction: What Type and Amount of Insurance Should You Sell?

Insurance customer service satisfaction is more of a guess than a test. With a full portfolio of life and health insurance, how do you achieve customer satisfaction if you don’t know what insurance to sell? What type and how much insurance is a challenge even for a genius.

To keep things simple, instead of 50 policies to sell, you only have one essential six-pack. These six include whole life insurance, term life insurance, major medical hospitalization, disability income coverage, long-term care, and a retirement annuity plan. Example: The client is a 45-year-old single man, non-smoker, with respectable health and social habits. He just got divorced and now he doesn’t have any insurance. He could write a check for $6,000 to you (a stranger) or his nephew (a life agent of 3 years) to handle all costs. Your ego tells you that there is no way you are going to miss this opportunity.


If you only sold the highest commission plans, the prospect would suffer from missing insurance plan parts of the package. Also, if you only select companies with the highest financial ratings, you could end up using additional premiums needed for other coverage. Unlike auto and homeowners insurance, there isn’t a huge discount for buying all the plans from the same companies. This isn’t “rocket science” financial advisor material, is it? I bet you’ve never taken this insurance customer satisfaction test before.

Most clients have a supposedly completed insurance puzzle. Watching it, you’ll see huge gaping holes and large jagged overlays showing through. It’s easy for an agent to just place another oddly shaped piece. The genius test here is making sure the puzzle fits with only small holes and pimple-sized bumps. Most likely you can find a solution within 24-36 hours of hard work. However, you could get a policy at any time within two hours. The difficulty begins with taking the first step, putting yourself in the shoes of your prospect. Next, look through your prospect’s eyes, yours are too blurry with $$ signs.


If you have been lucky enough to have a smart manager, you would now be a smart agent. And one capable of solving the high-priced puzzle without losing all your hair. Immediately, as a newcomer to insurance, you are ordered to sell. Sell ​​to anyone you know. Sell ​​the insurance you want. Sell ​​where people are around. Sell ​​if the premiums are low; sell if premiums are high. Sell ​​your lost cousin’s best nephew. Sell ​​to anyone in the phone book with the same last name as yours. Your manager doesn’t care if your client will benefit or not. The name of this 100+ year old game is to find as many leads as you can, promise them the moon, and then push them to buy whatever insurance you can sell. What are the chances that an agent would sell the correct insurance based on the customer’s true premium capacity? Would insurance be correct when first meeting a potential client or meeting with a client for a full policy review?


Each family should review the High Risk/High Need Six Key Essential Benefits Package. Sure, they are always the most profitable policies compared to others in the insurance company’s portfolio. Those plans that have the greatest potential to pay out far more benefits than the customer paid for are rare money makers. There are very few customers without a missing link. First we need insurance planners, then financial planners. If one insurance planner sees a key policy missing and others substituting it with less significant ones, then immediate action must be taken. They could have nicknamed me the Destroyer. Destroyed, liquidated, removed and replaced over 300 policies per year. These were replaced with essential six pack policies. I had a very high level of insurance customer satisfaction based on the fact that most of my policies were renewed for 15-20+ years after I stopped being a writing agent.

I didn’t care if other agents liked it, since not many lasted more than a few years. My clients liked me and rewarded me with a steady stream of renewals. As with insurance companies, I didn’t care if they were rated as highly as AIG Life Insurance Company. Insurance companies that provide great benefits at a fair price is an invisible qualification that comes from treating agents and customers well. I was never taught the “six pack” rule of thumb for becoming an insurance planner. I wish I had. I don’t know of any company or trainer that teaches it. However, if you want career pro status, this six-pack is packed with financial rewards and satisfaction.


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