the source of revolution


Is it love, sympathy or empathy?

No one can deny the fact that he/she has not experienced “love” or sympathy or empathy from someone since this world began. The real question is, is it “love”, sympathy or empathy that you are receiving from your own person? Today many have misquoted “love” for likability and empathy for likability in relationships and many confidants, friends, family, and peer circles; the partners do not really know what they are looking for in the relationship. It is about time that human beings were able to distinguish between “love”, sympathy and empathy in a given relationship.

“Love”, sympathy and empathy develop and are expressed above all in the family, in the “love” between friends and parents, in the “love” of a couple, in the solidarity of the family, which can be seen as the nucleus around which group feeling expands, develops. “Love” and empathy extend from the family group to larger social organizations and, ultimately, to society as a whole, to the people, to the nation.

Biblical, “love” is “deliberate commitment to sacrificial action for another.” Powerful emotions accompany “love” and it is the commitment that sustains “love”, firm to the unalterable. Emotions may change, but a commitment to “love” in a biblical way endures and is the hallmark of a disciple of Christ. In Corinthians 13:4-6 “love” suffers much and is kind; “love” does not envy; “love” does not boast, does not puff up; does not behave rudely, does not seek his own, does not get angry, does not think of evil, does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth.

Empathy is the ability to recognize the emotions that another sentient or fictional being is experiencing. With empathy, one must possess a certain amount of understanding before one can experience precise sympathy or compassion based on walking in another person’s shoes, entering another person’s frame of reference, or having the ability to experience life as someone else. the other person does it by entering the person itself. world of thoughts, feelings, emotions and meanings. Although, the word empathy does not appear in the Bible, but the Scriptures do indirectly refer to the characteristics of demonstrating empathy which is defined as “the ability to share emotions and feelings with others” (1 Peter 3:8).

The person with accurate empathy must experience another person’s private world as if it were their own, but remembering the “as if” part. It means being able to feel another person’s joy, fear, and confusion without your own feelings of joy, fear, or confusion being involved. It simply means being able to get a very clear view of someone else’s experience.

Sympathy for the other side is a feeling and concern for the well-being of another person. It is also the tendency to help others to prevent or alleviate their suffering. Sympathy and empathy are not related to blood like “love”. Empathy is always good, sympathy is contextually good, but “love” dominates everything. You can have one, without the other. Assuming someone came up with a problem, you can have sympathy with only a vague understanding of the other person’s feelings. You can also understand exactly how bad a person feels and still be capable of not helping them.

You can be a precise empath and still have the freedom to share a specific emotional state with another person in the way you think is best, whether the sharing involves helping others or not. You can be highly empathic and have options at the same time. However, when is “love” confused with empathy? Well, simply when one has only received attention, which they then presume as “love”, from others because they are in financial constraints, facing trials and temptations, being sick and hospitalized or stressed in some way.

They only describe ‘”love”‘ to themselves only when they find themselves in circumstances that are out of control and have had fear thrown over their shoulder. Unfortunately, this can set in motion a pattern of behavior in which the individual feels that this is the only feasible way to get “love” from others. “Love” put in quotes obviously means that what is being received is not “love” at all. They are the feelings of empathy and sympathy that the individual tries to bring to mind in others.

By doing so, the person who remembers others has managed to adopt a prey-like stance in relation to others. Approximately, when doing so, the person seems helpless and believes that her instinct is. In addition, the person who remembers others tries to create circumstances so that others think that she feels responsible for them in a manipulative way. They feel this is important because they have never experienced receiving “love” in any other way, so deep down they believe they must be love. It’s also a big reason why many relationships fail. So how can the problem of “love” be solved? Well, we must recognize that the problem of sympathy for love and sympathy for empathy exists and we must know its root. By knowing the root of the problem, you put yourself in the position of knowing who you are and what you want in life.

You cannot misquote love for sympathy and sympathy for love. If you want a true relationship, then you must understand the need to deal with and manage the sympathy and empathy of your partner, confidantes, friends, family and peers through circles and search for love.


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