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Health Fitness

Isopure Zero Carb Protein Powder

So you thought zero carb protein powder is not possible, right? You are wrong then. There are protein powders without carbohydrates, and Isopure is the best manufacturer of them all. Isopure makes a host of supplements that help you get the physique of your dreams. However, its protein isolate is the most famous.

Isopure has created this unique protein that contains all the necessary nutrients and minerals your body requires.


This carb-free protein powder provides you with 25g of protein per serving. Some of the flavors do contain some amount of fat, but that is very low, only 0.5g of fat per serving. A serving of protein powder contains 110 calories.

This is what it looks like:

A serving of Isopure Protein contains about 25 grams of protein, no fat, no carbs, and only 3% RDI cholesterol. It also includes other necessary minerals for your body like sodium, calcium and potassium. It has essential vitamins like vitamin A, C, K and E.

Different flavors have different amounts of micronutrients; however, the difference is very small.


Isopure Carb Free Protein Powder contains soy lecithin, natural and artificial flavors, xanthan gum, glutamine and sucralose.

They all taste the same. The only difference between them is the added flavors in the strawberry and vanilla products.

Isopure Zero Carb Protein Benefits

Who is this mix for? This can be taken by pretty much anyone who wants to add a few extra pounds of meat or wants to tone up her body. The high protein content in this product will help you meet your daily protein requirement very quickly.

In addition to protein, it also contains many vital vitamins and minerals that your body needs to function properly. This product is devoid of carbohydrates but has added all the other vitamins and minerals required by your body.

However, one thing is for sure. This 2 g carbohydrate difference is not of much use to most of us. Our body will not have much effect if we use regular whey protein instead of this protein without carbohydrates. But for people on a ketogenic diet, this can be a problem.

The lactose content in the product is also minimal. It is only 0.5 g per serving. This small amount will not be a problem for people who are sensitive to lactose. Some people may question the presence of soy lecithin; however, we believe that it will not negatively affect your testosterone levels.

Isopure Zero Carb Protein Flavor

This product is available in three different varieties: creamy vanilla, strawberry and apple melon.

Pros of Isopure Zero Carb Protein

  • the price is very reasonable

  • Lactose free and gluten free

  • super nutrition

  • Acesulfame potassium is not present

Cons of Isopure Zero Carb Protein

  • Contains artificial flavors.

  • not a great taste

  • Contains soy, wheat, egg, tree nuts.


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