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Mercury-Free DHA: What You Need to Know to Choose the Best Supplements

Some people think that supplements are overrated. Those people are the ones with the wrong information. Natural supplements like fish oils can give a person a new lease on life. Making sure you take mercury-free DHA supplements can do wonders for your body, inside and out.

On the other hand, buying lower-quality supplements may not work as well, and if you’re not careful, you could end up with mercury poisoning. Of course, the ingredients in fish oil supplements come from the ocean and we all know the pollution in the ocean these days. Oil spills and other non-biodegradable materials wreak havoc on the environment below the surface. This, in turn, is ingested by the marine life responsible for providing you with the healthy fatty acids.

Now, how can you be sure you’re only taking mercury-free DHA supplements? It would be great if you could open the capsules and smell them before you buy them, but that is not the reality. You can still taste it before ingesting it, just to be sure. Assuming you just did that, if the smell reminds you of walking next to a sewer grate, there’s a good chance mercury is there. Even if you don’t do the sniff test, you’ll know if you have an inferior product. When you burp, if it smells a bit fishy, ​​you just ingested the bad side of the ocean.

The essence of fish oil supplements is to provide some protection to your overall health. High levels of iron will not only keep your mind as sharp as a samurai blade, but will also protect your heart against cholesterol buildup that can lead to a fatal stroke or heart attack.

Ask any health professional and they will tell you that taking supplements to ensure you get enough fatty acids is advantageous in many ways. Supplements can help contribute to overall good health and should not be underestimated. Be sure to get mercury-free DHA supplements and watch your body reap the benefits.


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