the source of revolution


My ex girlfriend hates me but I want her back!

How can we get back together if my ex girlfriend hates me? If this describes how you feel, don’t despair. Believe it or not, when an ex is passionate about her hatred of you, it can be a good sign!

Many people who want to get back together after a break up feel like they have given up all hope. This is especially true if your ex acts like they completely dislike you and want nothing to do with you. After all, how can you get her back if she won’t even talk to you without yelling?

The good news is that if your ex-girlfriend acts like she really hates you, that means she still has strong feelings for you. Anger is usually a shield. If someone has been hurt or doesn’t want to let you in right now, anger and hate form a barrier. Those same emotions form a protective shield.

Anger is an emotion. If he acts like he hates you, it means he still has an emotional reaction to you. There are true feelings behind anger. This is a great sign when you compare it to a breakup where the ex-girlfriend doesn’t care either way. If an ex doesn’t have feelings for you and doesn’t care what you do in any way, that can be a much more difficult situation for someone who wants to get back together. When a person doesn’t have any reaction to you and just doesn’t care about you, it is possible for all feelings to disappear. So if you deal with anger, you may have a better chance of getting back together.

If you want to win back an angry ex-girlfriend, the best thing to do at first is to give her space. Do not contact her in any way. This can be very difficult, but you must give him time to clear his head and get over some of the immediate anger. If you constantly contact her, you may be ruining your chances of getting back together. Give him some space.

During this time you must keep yourself busy. Give some thought to what you did to cause or contribute to the problems. Start a new hobby. Do what you have to do to keep busy. Do not give in to the strong temptation to call her!

There will come a time when you can make contact, but you need to make sure that you are not overbearing and don’t move too fast at that point. She needs to feel that you are not pressuring her for a relationship or a reconciliation. She must follow an action plan that shows him how to get her back for good.

If you tell yourself “all hope is lost, my ex girlfriend hates me”, take a step back and give her the time she needs. You may find that the space was great for both of you.


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