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Narcissistic Emotional Abuser: Knight in Shining Armor

Act 1, Scene 1


In the wake of the emotional devastation caused by being in relationship with a narcissistic emotional abuser, if a person could view their life from another vantage point other than the first person, they could easily describe the entire relationship using the analogy of a well-written game. . Although audiences anticipate the knight in a play to save the day from the damsel in distress, the knight in this play is actually a notorious and evil knight. He is very skilled and a professional in his craft as he has played this role in countless plays prior to his current performance and even now, while in this performance he is playing the role of knight in many other plays with appearances on different dates o on the same dates. but at different times.

The knight is rehearsed and knows how to play his role and the knight has also studied the role of the protagonist. In the event that the protagonist does not play her role according to the script, the knight does not care, as he is flexible and agile like a snake that can slide through nooks and crannies. The gentleman’s act doesn’t skip a beat. For him, it actually makes the play more entertaining and exciting and makes his blood run even more than he had planned and expected. Nothing that the protagonist presents makes the gentleman nervous. If slightly caught in a pinch, the knight simply changes direction and continues directing the play where it wants it to go.

Let’s describe the protagonist of this work. The protagonist is a sincere, sweet and trusting maiden. She doesn’t have a lot of street smarts. It has not served him at all, since in most of his life experiences he is related to honest, direct and authentic people. The damsel in this play is living her life trying to earn a living and tending to life’s responsibilities and patiently waiting for her “knight in shining armor” to appear. The damsel, having been involved in activities that one would consider good deeds, never for a moment conceived the idea that perhaps she could be being watched from a distance by a gentleman who had a well-prepared plan to play.

The knight did his homework. He watched how the damsel lived her life. He watched how he made a living. He watched her deal with life’s responsibilities and he watched and understood her deep desire to experience the day her knight would cross her path. The stage is set and now the play is about to begin.

For the damsel in this story, what did the gentleman present? He presented something. This is how a narcissistic emotional abuser works. The narcissistic emotional abuser enters the scene by making promises. Did you get that part? Promises consist of words. Material goods are not present. Promises are just words. If you’re really under pressure and that means really under pressure, the narcissistic emotional abuser might produce, but that’s only, only if you’ve calculated that the return on your investment will far outweigh any costs. You have to understand that when it comes to a narcissist, everything, everything, is calculated and deliberate. Deliberate to the last detail.

If you were the damsel in this story, what would the gentleman have to present? Would it be good looks, a strong physique, a well-paying job, a nice car, a nice house, a good family background, an insurance plan, a retirement plan, a promise to take you on a trip, or a job title? The list could be endless, but surely the narcissist has figured it out. The crazy thing is, it’s really not that difficult to understand the desires of most damsels. Somewhere between financial security, a loving home, and traveling with a loved one, the narcissistic emotional abuser may hit the mark.

When you ask yourself: “How did I get involved in this madness?” This is how it started. You were on your happy path living life and caught the eye of a narcissistic emotional abuser.

Act 1, Scene 1



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