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Nostradamus third antichrist name revealed by meteorite accident in Peru

A wise woman once said: “He who knows everything knows nothing.” 2 billion Christians, 1 billion Muslims, and 18 million Jews believe that their Holy Bibles, including the books of the Prophets, are the word of God from Mount Sinai, but if you told any of them that you are a Prophet, they would put in a mental institution. This is because the human mind thinks that time is linear and “How can an angel tell the future to a person if the event has not happened yet? It is impossible.” For the prophecy to exist, the future must have already happened and any psychiatrist will tell you that this is impossible.

Apparently no one mentioned this to Nostradamus in the 16th century. Until now, Nostradamus has correctly predicted the first antichrist Napoleon Bonaparte and the second antichrist Adolf Hitler. According to Nostradamus, the third and last antichrist will be called something like “Mabus”.

Open your mind. When the mind hears something that seems utterly silly, it shuts down and does not listen. The way to open your mind is to tell yourself when the person is speaking to you, “This is right, this is true,” over and over again. Because Nostradamus predicted in code the arrival of “Napaulon Roy” and “Hister” hundreds of years after their death, time cannot be linear. The future must have already happened for a spirit to tell Nostradamus the future. One way to understand this is to imagine time as an infinity symbol, or an hourglass or the number “8” placed on its side. It’s like trying to find “Wally” or “Nemo”.

On May Day, May 1, 2007, the day of the celebration of the Virgin Mary, The Temple of Love – The Religion of World Peace announced that the third antichrist of Nostradamus was the ultra-hardline daily counselor and teacher. puppet show of the president of Iran. , Iranian Ayatollah Mesbah (pronounced Maybah, like Mabus for Nostradamus, like Hister is for Hitler) Yazdi. The stated intention of the Iranian Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi is to follow the word of God from Mount Sinai as told to the angel Gabriel and then to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) described in the Qur’an and Hadith and “Make war on the Christians, Jews and infidels and will be rewarded with eternal paradise in heaven with the God of Mount Sinai, clean and crystalline lakes and springs, endless wine without side effects, 72 virgins and 80,000 servants per martyr and believer “. (Quran Sura Chapter 9: 5, 29-30 and Chapter 56, “Mecca”). Could you add a dozen cream cheese bagels?

Imagine a Bedouin in the Arabian desert today telling his friends that an angel had just told him that if they converted to their new religion and killed all the Albanians, God would give them all hot tubs. How many followers would he have, other than Tom Cruise and John Travolta?

Nostradamus’ third antichrist Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi stated that using nuclear bombs is perfectly fine according to Muslim law to conquer the world for the God of Mount Sinai, also known as Allah, God the Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Elohim , Yehovah, Adonai. . He believes that triggering the Apocalypse will bring the advent of the two Muslim messiahs Jesus Christ and the Mahdi, to conquer the world for Islam and bring eternal world peace.

Every nuclear scientist knows that nuclear World War III and its aftermath of nuclear winter and then ultraviolet summer will have no survivors and the third antichrist of Nostradmus thinks that by unleashing nuclear World War III Muslims will survive and take over the world. Thanks to George Bush’s attempt to conquer Middle Eastern oil and conquer the world for Christianity, if the United States left Iraq now, two-thirds of the world’s oil would fall into the hands of Nostradamus’ Third Antichrist. With this money, the Antichrist would have no problem buying more nuclear reactors from Russia like Bushehr’s, Iran, and shipments of nuclear weapons from North Korea. It could pay each Shiite huge salaries to conquer Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States. An even worse scenario for the United States would be if all Muslim countries united and turned against the United States.

In his third antichrist prophecy, Michael Nostradamus said that the antichrist Mabus and the Apocalypse would be heralded by a comet. Nostradmaus said in his book of prophecies:

“Mabus will die soon, then he will come, a horrible ruin of people and animals, Immediately there will be revenge, a hundred powers, thirst, hunger, when the comet passes.” (2nd century, Quatrain 62) “The antichrist very soon annihilates the three, twenty-seven years that his war will last. The unbelievers are dead, captives, exiles; with blood, human bodies, water and red hail covering the earth.” (8th century , Quartet 77).

Do you feel like you’re having flashbacks of a bad acid trip with threats of being bombarded by the media with more years of Bill and Hillary Clinton in the White House and OJ Simpson dominating the news? George Bush is trying to unleash the apocalypse and capture the world for Christianity so he can meet Jesus Christ in Jerusalem; Let’s talk about social climbers. How is it possible that 3 billion people have been brainwashed so much that they believe that nuclear World War III is the way to eternal peace on earth when all scientists know that it is the way to the extinction of the world? life on Earth forever? The question is not “Do we evolve?” but “Will we evolve into a peaceful species to adapt to our changing circumstances, 50,000 100-megaton nuclear bombs on Earth today?” The two from Hiroshima and Nagasaki were 50 kiloton firecrackers. Think in kilobytes versus megabytes. The world is about to explode and everyone is frantic for their SERP.

On Saturday night, a meteorite crashed into Peru next to Lake Titicaca with an orange streak and a loud bang. The hole filled with water and gives off foul smelling odors that are causing nausea and headaches for the inhabitants of Carancas, Peru. So far there have been no sightings of Superman.

The First World War was caused by a bullet in Yugoslovia, the shot that was heard around the world starring Paris Hilton and Tom Cruise. The new president of France is the new Tony Blair. This week, his foreign minister, like all American presidential candidates, spoke of bombing Iran, Nostradamus’ third antichrist. Russia, which has been talking about targeting its nuclear missiles at Europe because of George Bush’s nuclear-tipped cruise missiles in the Czech Republic and Poland, warned the United States today not to attack Iran. China also warned George Bush not to attack Iran.

Iran is the backyard of Russia and China. We are all pawns in a high-stakes game of poker with two-thirds of the world’s oil at stake. When the United States hits Iran and all hell breaks loose in the Middle East, Russia and China will unite as they did to beat the United States in Vietnam, and Russia and China will seize all the Middle East oil. To do this, Russia will fire thousands of its new 100-megaton zigzag nuclear rockets, which separate into 8 airborne nuclear missiles over the North Pole and destroy the United States of America.

However, before the Apocalypse occurs, the Christian people of America and the Muslim world who also follow both the Old and New Testaments have a right to know, as do all Bible scholars on earth today, that the The New Testament was first written in Greek by Greeks. , the snake goat lion Beast, Devil, Antichrist of Revelations is a plagiarism of the mythical Greek Chimera, and Jesus of Revelations who flies from Heaven on his flying horse to kill the Antichrist is a plagiarism of the Greek Myth of Prince Bellerophon in his flying horse Pegasus killing the Chimera. Humans are now unleashing nuclear WWII, the Apocalypse, to provoke the arrival of ancient Greek cartoon characters like Elmo to save the world for them. All that human beings have to do to bring everlasting world peace to earth is for 200 people at the United Nations today to agree to stop fighting permanently. It’s that easy. It’s called evolution.


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